Ministry of Foreign Affairs News
Friday, 26 June 2015. PDF Print E-mail
OSCE Chairperson Dačić and Secretary General Zannier condemn terrorist attacks in Tunisia and France, stress need for unity and solidarity
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dacic -_zanijerSharply condemning the terrorist attacks in Tunisia and France today, the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Serbia's Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić, and OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier stressed the need for unity and solidarity in the face of violent extremism.

"I express our profound solidarity with the peoples of Tunisia and France, with the families of the victims of the barbarous and heinous attacks that took place today," said Dačić. "We must stand together, firmly committed to our values and to our efforts to build stable, democratic and prosperous societies."

Secretary General Lamberto Zannier said, "Yet again terrorists are trying to instil fear into our societies. Yet again individuals full of hate are trying to force divisions and mutual suspicion onto us. Especially given the increasing frequency of these horrific attacks on humanity in so many OSCE participating States and Partner countries, we must stand united in the face of violent extremism."

France is one of the OSCE's 57 participating States, and Tunisia is an OSCE Partner for Co-operation.