- Free movement of goods
- Free movement of workers
- Right of establishment of companies and freedom to provide services
- Free movement of capital
- Public procurement
- Law on enterprises/company law
- Law on Intellectual Property (Ownership)
- Competition policy
- Financial services
- Information society and the media
- Agriculture
- Food safety, veterinary and phyto-sanitary policy
- Fisheries
- Transport policy
- Energy
- Taxes
- Economic and monetary policies
- Statistics
- Social policy and employment
- Entrepreneurship and industrial policy
- Trans-European Networks
- Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments
- Judiciary and Fundamental Human Rights
- Justice, Freedom and Safety
- Science and Research
- Education and Culture
- Environmental Protection
- Health and Consumer Protection
- Customs Union
- External Relations
- Foreign, Security and Defence Policy
- Financial Control/audit
- Financial and Budgetary Provisions
- Institutions
- Other