Ministry of Foreign Affairs Foreign Policy Process of EU integration and regional cooperation
Thursday, 02 April 2015. PDF Print E-mail
The European Commission
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The European Commission (EC) has the authority to launch initiatives, prepare the EU Council decisions, to implement them upon adoption and to monitor the implementation of decisions and other regulations in the territory of the EU Member States. The European Commission also ensures implementation of founding treaties and realization of EU interests. It has considerable executive powers in relation to decisions made by the Council. The European Commission represents the EU in international economic relations and negotiates on behalf of the Union for the conclusion of a wide range of international agreements.

The President of the Commission is proposed by the European Council, after which he/she is elected by a majority vote of MEPs. The new European Parliament, formed after the elections of 25-27 May 2014, elected Jean-Claude Juncker from Luxemburg as President of the European Commission, who will exercise these functions until 2019. Beside the President, the European Commission has 27 members, of whom seven are Vice-Presidents of the European Commission.

Areas of competence of the Commission are: transport and energy; competition; agriculture, rural development and water management; economy and information society; internal market, taxation and customs union; research; economic and monetary issues; development and humanitarian assistance; enlargement; foreign affairs; trade; health and consumer protection; regional policy; education and culture; budget; justice and home affairs; employment and social affairs.