Wednesday, 25 April 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Minister Dacic attends Greek Days in Belgrade event
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Greek Days in Belgrade eventFirst Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic, together with Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to the Republic of Serbia Elias Eliadis and Mayor of Jagodina Dragan Markovic, visited today the event Greek Days in Belgrade and exhibition entitled "Ancient Greece", on display at the Museum of Yugoslavia.

Minister Dacic emphasized that Serbia and Greece were tied by bonds of great friendship as well as significant mutual assistance and support. He also recalled the strong ties forged between Serbia and Greece through history.

"Serbia is eternally grateful to Greece for the help it provided to the Serbian Army in World War I. In addition to the Blue Tomb, the Chilandari Monastery is yet another Serbian holy site located in the territory of Greece, so we can say that Greece and Serbia are tied by destiny as well.

I am pleased that our bilateral cooperation has been developing, with my counterpart Minister Nikos Kotzias having visited Serbia recently. I will be travelling to Athens in early May to participate in the conference of the Visegrad Group. We are developing our relations, desirous of constantly improving them."

The Serbian Foreign Minister underlined that Dragan Markovic had contributed to the promotion of Serbia-Greece relations for a number of years.

Mr. Markovic expressed gratitude to the Greek Ambassador, who today announced that Mr. Markovic was appointed Honorary Consul of Greece with a seat at Jagodina.

"It is now incumbent upon me to work even harder towards closer cooperation between our two countries. It is my honour to be appointed Honorary Consul of the Hellenic Republic in Jagodina. The consular post will have jurisdiction in Pomoravlje, Sumadija, Resava and Branicevo districts", concluded Mr. Markovic in his statement.