Thursday, 12 October 2017. PDF Print E-mail
Minister Dacic participates in the Belgrade Security Forum
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Minister Dacic at the Belgrade Security ForumFirst Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dačić participated today in the panel discussion "Berlin Process in Belgrade", held within the framework of the Belgrade Security Forum.

At the outset of his statement, Minister Dacic commended that the enlargement theme was in focus, underlining that the Berlin Process was a valuable initiative, reflecting the desire of large countries to deal with EU enlargement in the WB region.

"Despite the fact that everyone will be weighing some projects and the extent of their implementation, I believe that the idea itself is beneficial and positive for our region, and we are grateful to all who have launched the Berlin Process", said Dacic, announcing that the Western Balkans conference would be hosted by London, next year.

"The idea that European countries are contemplating the enlargement to the Western Balkans is exceptionally important to us, and I see it as enormous political benefit. All else are projects yet to be discussed and agreed upon."

Minister Dacic indicated that 20 themes had been agreed thus far within the Berlin Process "Western Balkan Six", adding that the Process surely contributes, in every respect, to the strengthening of intra-regional political dialogue.

"In October 2014, Serbia played host to the first meeting in the WB6 format, where Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the WB countries discussed the enhancement of regional cooperation in a variety of areas, economic in particular", stressed the Serbian Foreign Minister.

Referring to the WB6 accomplishments 6, Minister Dacic underlined the establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office, and the great initiative for the construction of Nis – Pristina – Tirana motorway, which he "nominated" as early as the first meeting of WB6 Foreign Ministers.

Dacic further emphasized the good cooperation between regional chambers of commerce and, most importantly for Serbia that the decision-making on the Transport Community headquarters was coming to an end.

"There is general agreement that the headquarters be located in Belgrade, which is very important, because the number of international organizations headquartered in Belgrade is relatively small", Minister Dacic concluded.