Wednesday, 20 September 2017. PDF Print E-mail
A condolence message following the powerful earthquake that rocked Mexico
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MeksikoFirst Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic addressed a condolence letter to Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States Luis Videgaray Caso, following yesterday's devastating earthquake that struck the central and southern parts of this country.

“I received with great regret the news of another powerful earthquake that struck the federal central and southern parts of the United Mexican States, resulting in a tragic loss of many lives and people injured, as well as in extensive material damage.

May I take this sad occasion to offer you and the families who lost their loved ones my deepest condolences and most sincere sympathy, wishing a speedy recovery to those injured.

Citizens of the Republic of Serbia commiserate with the families of the victims and all affected in your country, aware of the need to join our forces and overcome the effects of the unpredictable and merciless power of nature”, says the condolence letter from Minister Dacic.
