Tuesday, 15 November 2016. PDF Print E-mail
Madrid: Exhibition opens at the Institute of Military History and Culture
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On the occasion of the centenary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Serbia and the Kingdom of Spain, the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia and the Institute of Military History and Culture in Madrid co-hosted a lecture on the relations between Serbia and Spain during the First World War, held in the Institute on 15 November 2016.

The ceremony was opened by Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Madrid Danko Prokic and Institute Deputy Director General Jose Ignacio Martinez Lagos de Beytia. On this occasion, Ambassador Prokic spoke about the history of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and the Kingdom of Spain, while an eminent Spanish academic and political analyst, Ricardo Ruiz de la Serna, gave a lecture about the heroic struggle of the Serbian army in the Great War, the suffering of the Serbian people, as well as the assistance of the Kingdom of Spain to Serbia.

After the lecture, an exhibition of WWI photographs originating from the Archive of Serbia and the Institute's Military Archives was opened.
Tags: Spain