Monday, 11 July 2016. PDF Print E-mail
Minister Dacic in talks with Victoria Nuland
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dacic nuland_11720163First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic met today with Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State Victoria Nuland, who is visiting the Republic of Serbia on her wider tour of the region.

The officials expressed mutual satisfaction with the promotion of overall bilateral relations, and in particular with the developed political dialogue, reflected in this visit as well.

Minister Dacic expressed gratitude to the U.S. delegation for their country's previous support for Serbia's European integration process, resulting in the opening of Chapters 23 and 24, as well as his hope that the U.S. support would continue further along the EU path of Republic of Serbia.

Assistant Secretary of State Nuland estimated highly the constructive role the Republic of Serbia played in preserving stability in the Western Balkans region, stressing that this was an issue to which the United States attached great importance.

Today's meeting emphasized the significance of security cooperation, particularly on combating terrorism and violent extremism, the major global challenges at this time.

As part of the U.S. delegation, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Michael Carpenter and U.S. Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott attended the meeting.