Monday, 09 May 2016. PDF Print E-mail
Minister Dacic Gives a Lecture to Students of the Vienna Diplomatic Academy
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dacic predavanje_9520163First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic delivered a lecture today to students of the Vienna Diplomatic Academy, who are in the Republic of Serbia within their study visit to Balkan countries.

Speaking of the major foreign policy priorities of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Minister Dacic particularly emphasized: opening of accession negotiations and negotiating chapters for European Union membership, last year's OSCE Chairmanship of the Republic of Serbia, cooperation with key partners in international relations, development of good neighbourly relations and preservation of stability in the region, dialogue with Pristina, building a modern Serbia committed to the preservation of peace and respect for international law.

After the lecture, the Serbian Foreign Minister answered the students' questions, underlining Serbia's specific position and role on the international scene, as well as the significance of its diplomatic activities at the current political juncture.

This visit of Vienna Diplomatic Academy students to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is traditionally organised within the cooperation between the Diplomatic Academy of the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Vienna Diplomatic Academy.