The exhibition "Itinerarium Romanum Serbiae" was inaugurated on 11 April 2016 in the Chilean Historical and MilitaryMuseumin Santiago, and the event was attended by about 100 guests, including representatives of the Chilean Armed Forces, diplomatic corps, Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, our citizens who live and work in that country and other guests.
At the inauguration of the exhibition, appropriate speeches were held by Brigadier General Jose Cicero Santos, Director of the Historical and Military Museum, Prof Dr Claudio Ruff Escobar, Bernardo O'Higgins University Rector, Ms. T. Conic, Minister Counsellor in our diplomatic-consular mission in Buenos Aires, and Prof Dr Miomir Korac, Head of the Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade and the Archaeological site "Viminacium", who declared the exhibition formally opened. This exhibition presented Serbian culture and history toChile for the first time after many years.