The third Serbian Film Festival 2015 was held at the prestigious movie theatre "Muvico" in Chicago, from 4 - 6 December, 2015. The following films were screened during the Festival: "For King and Fatherland", "Nobody's Child", "Enclave", "Stairless", "We Will be World Champions", "As they flew to the Moon" and "Legacy". Guests of the Festival were Director Rados Bajic, whose film "For King and Fatherland" opened the Festival, as well as film directors of "No Man's Child" and "Enclave", Vuk Rsumovic and Goran Radovanovic. On the Festival's final evening, the guests were presented with bronze plaques of the "Mirror", and Chicago Mayor Ram Emanuel's message of welcome was read to those present. Serbian Diaspora newspaper "Mirror" is the founder and organizer of this cultural event, which was made possible owing to the cooperation and support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, Directorate for Diaspora and the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Chicago.