Tuesday, 06 October 2015. PDF Print E-mail
Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented hitherto activities carried out in preparation of the OSCE Ministerial Council
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minis savet610015The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented to representatives of the OSCE participating States, to the Organization’s Partners for Cooperation and the OSCE Secretariat, on Monday at the OSCE headquarters in Vienna, the hitherto activities related to the preparations for the OSCE Ministerial Council 2015, to be held in Belgrade in December.

A detailed account of the accreditation procedure for all participants of the Ministerial Council was given to representatives of foreign missions, as well as the plan of the Kombank Arena, the venue of the event, featuring a precise layout of conference rooms and the Press Center, and also the offices for the delegations.

At the meeting, representatives of the Ministry provided logistical and transportation details regarding the forthcoming Council.

On behalf of the Ministry, Head of the OSCE Ministerial Council 2015 Secretariat Ambassador Slobodan Vukcevic outlined the preparatory activities undertaken so far, while Serbia’s Permanent Representative to the OSCE Ambassador Vuk Zugic addressed the meeting on behalf of the Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the OSCE.