Wednesday, 09 September 2015. PDF Print E-mail
Meeting between Foreign Ministers of Serbia and Luxembourg
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aselborn98First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic met today Chairman of the EU Council and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn.

The Ministers agreed that the bilateral relations between their countries were very good, but that there were possibilities for their further promotion. They agreed that the Agreement on the Avoidance of Double Taxation, aimed at contributing to closer economic cooperation and increased trade, would be signed on the occasion of their next meeting.

The Ministers also exchanged views on the European migratory crisis, as well as on plans aimed at resolving this problem. In this context, the Foreign Minister of Luxembourg announced that two conferences would be held, one to deal with the problem of migrants from Africa, and the other with migrants from the Middle East and Asia, heading for Europe along the Western Balkan route. Minister Dacic urged that Serbia be included in the solution adopted on the EU

Foreign Minister Dacic expressed Serbia’s readiness for opening Chapters 32 and 35 in its accession negotiations with the EU. He provided his interlocutor with an update on the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as on the activities of Serbia, as the OSCE Chair.

Minister Asselborn confirmed once again that Serbia enjoyed full support of Luxembourg towards EU integration, and informed that it had been agreed within the EU Council Presidency that an EU – Serbia Inter-Governmental Conference to open the first chapters, be held in November/ December 2015.