Tuesday, 02 June 2015. PDF Print E-mail
Meeting between the NAP 1540 Implementation Working Group and the UNSC 1540 Committee
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clip image002The Working Group of the Republic of Serbia monitoring the application of the National Action Plan under UN Security Council resolution 1540 on the prevention of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery vehicles (2012-2016) held a meeting with the UN Security Council 1540 Committee and its experts in Belgrade, on 26 May 2015. The proceedings of the meeting were steered by the Working Group Chairperson, Ambassador Branka Latinovic and its attendance – in addition to WG members and UNSC 1540 Committee members and its experts – also included OSCE, RACVIAC and SEESAC representatives.

The meeting took note of the fact that the Republic of Serbia, having adopted NAP 1540 back in April 2012, was the first country within the broader region that adopted such a document and achieved visible results in terms of its implementation.

Representatives of the UNSC 1540 Committee drew particular attention to the engagement of the Working Group in the context of including representatives of other structures, like the scientific community, in its work as well. It was noted that the Belgrade meeting with 1540 Committee members and its experts was the first meeting of this kind aimed at reviewing the NAP 1540 implementation. Representatives of the Republic of Serbia were encouraged to continue its active implementation and to consider amending and upgrading the very substance of NAP 1540.