In response to the damage caused to the sign containing the name of the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Rijeka and the breaking of windows on the Consulate General building on the night of 8-9 November 2013, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Zagreb Stanimir Vukicevic lodged protest to Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia Zeljko Kupresak. The latter deplored the incident and expressed his conviction that the attack on the diplomatic mission of the Republic of Serbia will soon be clarified.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia expects the Republic of Croatia to take all the necessary steps in order to fulfil its obligations under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations relating to the protection of foreign diplomatic missions and consular posts and their staff. This is all the more important since the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Rijeka has been the subject of similar attacks on several occasions previously, the latest being last April, when a "cocktail Molotov" was thrown into the building.