Wednesday, 10 July 2013. PDF Print E-mail
Exhibition “Discover Serbia” by the Serbian artists in Tokyo
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izlozba slikaThe exhibition "Discover Serbia", organized by the Serbian Embassy in cooperation with the IAC and the "Design Festa" Gallery, held from 5 to 10 July 2013, presented the paintings of three young Serbian artists: Marijana Andjelic, Milica Nikolic and Milena Milosavljevic.

The exhibition, which, in addition to the paintings of young artists, displayed the items of Serbian cottage industry, was visited by great many people, especially on Saturday 6 July when a presentation of Serbia was organized, as well as the tasting of Serbian food in the restaurant next to the gallery. The event was visited by a large number of members of the Friendship Association of Japan, and by Toshio Maki, President of Fujimi International Friendship Association.

Also, on 9 July, IAC organized a tour for diplomats in the "Design Festa" Gallery and on this occasion the exhibition of these Serbian women artists was visited by 11 diplomats from seven diplomatic missions accredited to Japan.
Tags: Japan