Tuesday, 07 May 2013. PDF Print E-mail
70th Anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Cuba
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On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the diplomatic relations with Cuba, the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Havana organized a Central Event, held between 7 May and 15 May 2013.

The Event was opened by the Conference "Importance of bilateral relations between Serbia and Cuba ", which was attended by Ambassador Isabel Allende Karam, Rector of the Institute, Serbian Ambassador to Cuba Marina Perovic Petrovic, Ambassador Dr. Juan Sanchez Monroe, Professor of the Institute and former Cuban Ambassador to Serbia, and by Prof. Dr. Slobodan Pajovic, Professor and Coordinator of the Department for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at Megatrend University in Belgrade.

In her opening statement Ambassador Marina Perovic Petrovic summarized the bilateral relations between the two countries, formalized by the establishment of a Legation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in Havana in 1943, the year which has been the sole historical documentary evidence of it and considered as the year of establishment of their diplomatic relationship. The Serbian Ambassador also pointed out that to date the friendly relations had been maintained between the two countries, with the aim of deepening them further and in a joint effort to create a better, more just and humane society and the world at large. Cooperation at the bilateral level had been reflected in numerous visits exchanged at a high level, in an intensified political dialogue, and signed agreements in the fields of economy, health, scientific and cultural cooperation.

It was stressed that Serbia and Cuba also shared positive experiences regarding the building of a more humane society with all social aspects of prosperity, from overall emancipation, greater participation and role of women to accessibility of education and health for all. Student exchange programmes have also been promoted, along with the granting of scholarships for studies and strengthening of expert and other cooperation in all areas.
An ascending line of the relations has also been proven by the standing invitations extended to President Tomislav Nikolic and Foreign Minister Ivan Mrkic to visit Cuba this year, as well as to the Health Minister and the Speaker of Parliament.

During the Event, there will be various cultural programmes, including a Festival of the Serbian Film organized by the Serbian Embassy, in cooperation with the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Serbian Film Centre and the Cuban Centre for Film.
Tags: Cuba Serbia