Thursday, 16 June 2016. PDF Print E-mail
Marking ten years since the establishment of the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism
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globalna koalicija_1662016The Acting Assistant Minister for Security Policy, Ambassador Branimir Filipovic took part in the Meeting of High Representatives of Ministers for Foreign Affairs, held on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT), on 15-16 June 2016 inThe Hague.

The GICNT was established in 2006 at the G8 Summit, as a joint initiative of the then Presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States, which 86 countries and 5 international organisations with an observer status have joined so far.Serbiajoined the Initiative in July 2007 and has been participating on a regular basis in its meetings, co-chaired by representatives of theUnited Statesand theRussian Federation.

During the debate, Ambassador Filipovic underlined that the Republicof Serbiasupported and participated in GICNT activities, and that it had been continuously building national capacities aimed at implementing core recommendations, established when the GICNT was launched. He pointed out the concrete steps Serbiacontributed to the goals of the Initiative, such as the VIND programme for the removal of nuclear material from the territoryof Serbiato the territory of this material's country of origin, i.e. the Russian Federation, along with the National Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Resolution 1540, etc.