Berlin process
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The Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers and Economy Ministers of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo *, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Austria, France, as well as representatives of the European Commission, met on 28 August 2014 in Berlin, on the initiative of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The aim of the Summit, i.e. the highest level meeting, dedicated to the Western Balkans, in the above format, was to achieve a common agreement on the strengthening of regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and establish a four-year framework (2014-2018) for resolving the remaining open issues in the region.

After theSummiton the Western Balkans inBerlin(2014), theSummiton the Western Balkans was held inVienna(2015) and theSummiton the Western Balkans inParis(2016). In a series of Summits on the Western Balkans, the upcomingSummit, in the framework of theBerlinprocess at the highest level, will be held inTrieste, on 12 July 2017.

Since the Berlinprocess was launched, a series of projects of interest to the whole region has been initiated, in a number of areas, which in itself confirms the necessity of its continuation after 2018. One of the most concrete results achieved is the establishment of a Regional Youth Cooperation Office of the Western Balkans, modeled on the German-French model. The Headquarters Office is in Tirana and the first elected Secretary General is the candidate of theRepublic ofSerbia, Mr. Djuro Blanusa.