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Friday, 15 June 2020
Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Diplomatic and Academic Cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic and Ambassador of the United Mexican States to Serbia Marco Antonio Garcia Blanco signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Diplomatic and Academic Cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States. The Memorandum will serve as a basis for future development of cooperation between the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Matias Romero Institute. ![]() Wednesday, 4 December 2019 Ambassador of the Italian Republic holds a lecture at the Diplomatic Academy On the occasion of 140 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Italy, organized by the Diplomatic Academy, His Excellency Ambassador of the Italian Republic to Serbia Carlo Lo Cascio held a lecture for the course participants of the core diplomatic training program. In the introductory part of the program, the Head of the Neighboring Countries Department, Ambassador Slobodan Vukcevic made a brief summary of bilateral relations between the two countries with a focus on key areas of cooperation. ![]() Referring to the long-standing tradition of amicable relations between Serbia and Italy, Ambassador Carlo Lo Cascio placed an emphasis on the strong support of his country for Serbia's European Integration, as a key factor in the region. In addition, he noted that the strategic partnership between the two countries was not only reflected in intense economic cooperation, as evidenced by the presence of numerous Italian companies in Serbia, but in many other areas – culture, education, agriculture, science, IT, energy and environmental protection. By mentioning his personal experiences, Ambassador Carlo Lo Cascio spoke to the participants of the Diplomatic Academy's program about the importance and peculiarity of the diplomatic profession, as well as the challenges it faced in an era of high-speed information exchange. At the end of the lecture, Director of the Diplomatic Academy Mirjana Milosavljevic expressed her gratitude to the Embassy of the Italian Republic and the Italian Cultural Institute for their long-term cooperation and assistance in the organization of Italian language courses for the employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thursday, 28 November 2019 Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between the Diplomatic Academies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of Ecuador has been signed Ambassador of the Republic of Ecuador H.E. Maria del Carmen Gonzalez Cabal, who covers the Republic of Serbia on a non-resident basis from Budapest, was on a working visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where she had separate meetings with Acting Assistant Minister for Bilateral Cooperation, Ambassador Tatjana Conic and Secretary General Veljko Odalovic. Following the talks, Director of the Diplomatic Academy Mirjana Milosavljevic and the Ambassador of Ecuador signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Diplomatic Academy of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of Ecuador. ![]() Wednesday, November 27, 2019 A seminar entitled Sharing the Bulgarian experience on EU pre-accession negotiation process was held in Belgrade A seminar entitled Sharing the Bulgarian experience on EU pre-accession negotiation process was co-hosted in Belgrade on November 25-26, 2019 by the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of European Integration and the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute (BDI), sponsored by the Hanns Seidel Foundation. ![]() The two-day training seminar was attended by representatives of several Ministries of the Government of Serbia: Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of European Integration; Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications; Ministry of Public Administration and Local Government; Ministry of Environmental Protection; Ministry of Economy; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs; Ministry of Defense, as well as a representative of the National Academy of Public Administration. The seminar was opened by Head of the Diplomatic Academy Mirjana Milosavljevic, Director of the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute Tanya Mihaylova, Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Serbia H.E. Radko Vlaykov and Bogdan Mirchev, representative of the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Sofia. In the opening remarks, the Head of the Diplomatic Academy welcomed the participants of the seminar and thanked the co-organizers for their cooperation, emphasizing the positive experiences of the Diplomatic Academy so far in holding such seminars in cooperation with Spain and Austria, as a form of assistance to Serbia in the process of European integration. On day one of the seminar, Bulgarian Ambassador to Belgrade R. Vlaykov gave a lecture on public diplomacy, while Ambassador Biserka Benisheva spoke about strategies for communication with the European Union. On day two of the seminar, Ingrid Shikova, Professor at St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia, introduced the participants to Bulgaria's experience in the field of EU-funded communication strategy. Professor Daniela Bobeva, a member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Economy, spoke about positive and negative effects of EU membership on the economy, the economic risks during the negotiation process for opening those chapters where the focus is on the economy, with an emphasis on cooperation with China in relation to EU membership. The seminar was closed by BDI Director T. Mihaylova, Regional Director of the Hanns Seidel Foundation for Southeast Europe Dr. Klaus Fizinger and Head of the Diplomatic Academy. Thursday, 11 July 2019 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Eddy Maloka at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Chief Executive Officer of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Prof. Dr. Eddy Maloka held a lecture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on "Experiences gained in bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, including experiences of the African Union". ![]() At the beginning of his presentation, Prof. Dr. Maloka emphasized the importance attached to the Republic of Serbia, as successor to the former Yugoslavia, in the countries of the African continent, especially in the context of the Non-Aligned Movement and the shared interest of both sides to strengthen friendly relations. He also presented the foreign policy priorities of the Republic of South Africa, as well as the organizational structure of the African Union, its competence and significance for the countries of the African continent on a global scale. During his lecture, Prof. Maloka also spoke about his experiences in the field of bilateral and multilateral affairs, indicating, through numerous examples, the specifics of the diplomatic profession. Monday, June 17, 2019 Attendees of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia visited Ljubljana As part of a study visit, attendees of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia were in Ljubljana on 13-14 June 2019. The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia organized a reception for the attendees of the Diplomatic Academy, where they were addressed by Ambassador Zorana Vlatkovic who introduced them to the bilateral relations of the two countries. ![]() At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, academics had the opportunity to listen to lectures by Political Director Matej Marn and National Coordinator for the Western Balkans Peter Grk. During the study visit to Ljubljana, attendees also visited the Representation of the European Union where a lecture was held by Head of the Representation Zoran Stancic. Thursday, 16 May 2019 UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE LAW STUDENTS VISIT MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS The MFA Diplomatic Academy organized a visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia for students of the Belgrade University Faculty of Law, members of ELSA (European Law Students Association in Belgrade). ![]() Following the lecture, law students visited the Museum of Serbian Diplomacy permanent exhibition. Monday, 13 May 2019 SERBIAN FOREIGN MINISTER GAVE A LECTURE TO STUDENTS OF THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY OF VIENNA ![]() Following is full text of an address delivered by the Serbian Foreign Minister: "Excellencies, Dear students, Distinguished guests, At the very beginning, I would like to welcome you to Belgrade and Serbia and express my distinct pleasure that student visits of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have become a tradition. That is entirely understandable taking into account the geographic proximity between Serbia and Austria, their ties in history as well as an excellent bilateral cooperation between the two countries which is stable, diverse and multi-faceted. I would like to take this opportunity to present an important historical fact. Way back in 1836 diplomatic relations between the two countries were established when Antun Mihanovic, a consul of the Austrian Empire in Belgrade at that time, presented credentials to prince Milos Obrenovic. The friendly relations between Serbia and Austria have a several decades-long tradition. Although these relations went through different phases, today they can be characterized as friendly, strong and successful. Our dialogue is dynamic and vibrant, as can be seen from the fact that in October and November last the entire Austrian state leadership visited Serbia: President Alexander Van der Bellen, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and President of the National Council Wolfgang Sobotka. This summer, we expect Minister of Foreign Affairs Karin Kneissl to visit us. As one of major investors in Serbian economy, Austria is a hugely important trading partner to our country. Last year alone, commodity exchange between Serbia and Austria was more than a billion euro. Dear students, The Republic of Serbia, as all other countries in the world, has set clear foreign policy priorities. In this short address, I will try to acquaint you with the role of our country at the international scene because I am certain that this is what you are most interested in. The preservation of our sovereignty and territorial integrity, with Kosovo and Metohija as its integral part, is our top foreign policy priority along with full EU membership. The maintenance of regional peace and stability, good-neighborly relations, development of bilateral cooperation with leading factors in the global political arena and with other states, including military neutrality are issues topping this list. By defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity, Serbia is at the same time defending international law, Charter of the United Nations and the supreme authority of the UN Security Council thus contributing to international peace. I would like to point out that the unilateral declaration of independence of "Kosovo" in February 2008, is not only contrary to international peace and the Helsinki Final Act, more specifically its principles 3 and 4, but also to UN Security Council resolution 1244 adopted in 1999 in line with the Charter of the United Nations which is why the UDI constitutes a flagrant violation of the norms on which the entire international legal order is based. Ever since the onset of dialogue with Pristina, Serbia has always acted as a constructive partner fulfilling its obligations and implementing agreements unlike the other side that by its irresponsible behavior obstructed agreements and evaded search for a solution. Even six years after the signing of the Brussels Agreement, a Community of Serb Municipalities has not been established, whose task would have been to protect the interests of the Serb community in the Province. In these circumstances, the presence of UNMIK in southern Serbian Province in undiminished scope and with unchanged mandate is extremely important since it guarantees security of Serbian and other non-Albanian population. Also, in accordance with UNSC resolution 1244, an important role in the protection of Serbian population, cultural and religious heritage in Kosovo and Methija, is played by KFOR. I would like to emphasize that due to active diplomatic efforts undertaken by the Government of the Republic of Serbia, its institutions and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the international level, over the past 18 months as many as 13 states decided to revoke their decision on UDI recognition. We expect this trend to continue. Full EU membership is Serbia's foreign policy and strategic goal. A prospect of becoming a full-fledged EU member gives a powerful encouragement to comprehensive reforms we have embarked upon as well as to the policy of reconciliation and regional cooperation. In that context, our country is advocating good-neighborly relations and dialogue as the main tool for resolving outstanding questions among neighbors. That is why Serbia is an active participant in regional initiatives, aware that European perspective of the entire Western Balkan region contributes to reconciliation, preservation of stability and creation of favorable conditions conducive to cooperation in many other areas in these territories. However, what is specific for Serbia's European integration process is Chapter 35 related to progress in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina which to a large extent determines the course of the entire process by conditioning steps to be made in other areas. Unfortunately, the steps taken by Pristina lead in the opposite direction, away from the dialogue which is currently deadlocked. Allow me to make it very clear that the sole responsibility for the breakdown of dialogue lies with Pristina and its irresponsible decision to impose 100 percent tariffs on goods from Serbia proper, thus additionally exacerbating already difficult circumstances of the Serbian population living in Kosovo and Metohija. Even though Serbia is truly committed to dialogue with Pristina as the only way to reach a compromise solution, it will be possible to resume it only if these tariff measures are lifted. Despite the difficulties, Serbia will continue to push with reforms, regardless of the pace of the dialogue, since we feel that this is in the interest of all our citizens and that it contributes to overall progress of the country and stability of the region. I would like to stress again that we highly appreciate steady support of Austria given to us along our European path. Having said that, I primarily have in mind political support within the European Union and concrete assistance through the implementation of the twinning projects whereby institutions of Member States support the institutions of EU candidate countries, an area where Austria has vast experience and capacity. Agreements regulating economic cooperation are a good example of this, like very important readmission agreements and those on international cooperation against illicit drug trafficking and international terrorism. Dear guests, One of my country's key foreign policy priorities is also preservation of peace and security in the region. We are all aware that the present-day world is faced all the time with serious challenges like terrorism, growing cybercrime, threats to energy stability. Serbia shares concerns over these issues with other countries in the Balkans, which has always been a meeting place of competing interests and geopolitical concerns of major powers and which was a transit route, as you know, connecting Western Europe and the Middle East. That is why compromise and flexibility are needed more than ever. Serbia is therefore open for cooperation with its partners in the region, Europe and the world at large and with its activities in the UN, OSCE, the Council of Europe and other international and regional organizations and initiatives, it makes a steady contribution to strengthening of peace, stability and economic progress in these territories. As a good neighbor, Serbia will always be an honest partner to all those prepared to share with us a burden of responsibility in implementing joint historic undertaking to build a developed and prosperous region and will continue to do everything in her power to preserve and encourage positive processes in this part of Europe. Speaking of Serbia and Austria in the context of regional cooperation, it is impossible not to mention the Danube as a link connecting us. The Danube and the Danube region are one of the most prosperous regions with 110 million residents. Also, we should not forget that Serbia together with Austria participated in working out the EU Danube strategy, encompassing cooperation in the field of strengthening communication and infrastructure-building, environmental protection, promotion of tourism and cultural achievements. In addition to cultural and economic, I would also like to single out police cooperation between our two countries as yet another contribution to the preservation of stability in the region. In addition to maintaining a balanced and diversified cooperation with the great powers like USA, Russian Federation and PR of China, the Republic of Serbia is working hard to preserve good cooperation with African, Asian, South American and Caribbean countries. Even though we pursue the policy of military neutrality, in other words not seeking membership in any military alliance, this is not preventing us from pursuing partner cooperation with both NATO and the Russian Federation. Austria is an excellent example proving that such form of cooperation is not impossible as well as some other military neutral countries. Owing to its Partnership for Peace program with NATO, Serbia is currently participating in five UN peace-keeping operations and four EU missions. In fulfilling its foreign policy goals, Serbia is guided by its legitimate national interests, using diplomacy and dialogue as tools, seeking to additionally promote traditionally good relations with friends and improve relations with those partners in the international community with whom we differ on certain issues, agreeing to disagree and guided by fundamental principles of international law. Distinguished guests, At the very end of my today's statement, I cannot help mentioning a sizeable Serbian community in Austria. Serbs have been present there since 1526 making an immeasurable contribution in defense of European values. According to the official Austrian data, more than 120,000 Serbs are living in that country while according to the unofficial statistics, they may even be around 300,000. Citizens of Austria of Serbian descent represent today a well-integrated community active in the Serb Alliance as well as in many clubs and associations making a dynamic contribution to the development of Austrian social, economic and cultural scene and making a huge potential for further development of bilateral relations between the two countries. Allow me to once again wish you a pleasant stay in Serbia and a lot of success in your future work," the Serbian Foreign Minister concluded his address to the students. Friday, 10 May 2019 CLEMSON UNIVERSITY STUDENTS VISITED MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA During their study tour in the Republic of Serbia, a group of students from the Clemson University of South Carolina, USA, visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia with which this University had been cooperating for many years. During the visit, the students attended the lectures given by Ambassador Dejan Ralevic, Deputy Assistant Minister for European Union, Minister Counsellor Vladimir Jovicic, acting head of the North and South America Department, Mr. Goran Gvozdenovic, Counsellor in the Neighboring Countries and SEE Department and Mr. Dusan Kozarov, Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. Deputy Assistant Minister Ambassador Ralevic explained that our country's membership of the EU is one of Serbia's strategic foreign policy goals and informed the students of the course of the negotiating process and its positive effects on the reform process in many areas, whose ultimate aim is not only EU membership but overall progress of the country committed to common European values. Acting head of the North and South America Department Vladimir Jovicic spoke about bilateral relations between Serbia and North and Latin American countries with special emphasis on relations with the United States focusing both on the historical aspect of these relations as well as on the current cooperation between the two states. Mr. Goran Gvozdenovic, Minister Counsellor in the Neighboring Countries and SEE Department highlighted the efforts that our country was making towards strengthening of cooperation with all countries in the region, its participation in regional initiatives and various formats of trilateral and quadrilateral cooperation, thus contributing to overall regional stability. Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Methija Dusan Kozarev reminded the students of historical facts related to Kosovo and Metohija and described the current situation in the southern Serbian province, clarifying specific circumstances and disagreements that led to the deadlock of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. After the lecture, the students made a tour of the Museum of Serbian Diplomacy. Monday 08.04.2019. MINISTER DACIC SPOKE TO STUDENTS OF SCIENCES PO POLITICAL SCIENCES FACULTY FROM PARIS ![]() "Dear students, Welcome to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. I am very glad that you decided to include Serbia to the itinerary of your study tour. As many of you originally come from the countries of the region, and some of you are even Serbian nationals, I suppose that you have acquired certain knowledge about Serbia, be it through education, the media, family ties or in preparation for this visit. Seeing that you are here on behalf of an educational institution of such renown as the Sciences Po university and that your department focuses on Central, East and South-East Europe, I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to inform you in greater detail about the priorities of Serbian foreign policy and contribute to your better understanding of the role played by our county at the international level. In addition to the maintenance of its sovereignty and territorial integrity, Serbia has the strategic goal to gain full membership of the European Union. The vital foreign policy priority of the Republic of Serbia is to preserve its territorial integrity and sovereignty, with Kosovo and Metohija as its integral part. As it safeguards its territorial integrity, Serbia is at the same time defending international law, the UN Charter and the supreme authority of the Security Council to maintain international peace. I would like to take this opportunity to recall that the unilateral declaration of independence of "Kosovo", in February 2008, was a violation not only of international law and the Helsinki Final Act, and particularly points III and IV of its Decalogue, but also of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, adopted in 1999, in compliance with Charter of the United Nations. These are irrefutable arguments that need to be brought up repeatedly, as an example of flagrant violation of international law. Reaching a political settlement of the issue of Kosovo and Metohija correlates directly with the stability of the region as a whole. For this reason, throughout the dialogue with Pristina, Serbia acted as a serious, reliable and constructive partner who delivers on its commitments, particularly concerning the implementation of agreements reached. Sadly, the same cannot be said for the other side, which has taken steps obstructing the agreements made and refusing to work towards finding a solution. This is particularly reflected in the fact that even six years since the signing of the Brussels Agreement the Community of Serbian Municipalities still has not been formed. The signing of the Brussels Agreement was motivated by the aspiration to identify modalities to safeguard the interests of the Serbian community in the Province, due to the lack of fitting institutional mechanisms. This should have been the task of the Community of Serbian Municipalities. In this context, we have repeatedly pointed to the significance of UNMIK's presence in Kosovo and Metohija in an undiminished scope and an unchanged mandate, as a guarantor of the status neutrality of the international presence in the southern Serbian Province. A highly important role in the protection of the Serbian community and its cultural and religious heritage in Kosovo and Metohija has also been played by the KFOR presence there, under UNSC Resolution 1244. I wish to underline that the foreign policy activity of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, carried out with indefatigable commitment by its bodies, including the Ministry I am at the helm of, as well as our active diplomatic efforts have resulted, among other things, in the fact that in the last year and a half 12 states have decided to backtrack on their earlier recognition of the UDI of "Kosovo". It is my expectation that such a trend will continue. Fully aware that the European perspective of the entire WB region is a path to reconciliation and cooperation in the area, Serbia has constantly advocated the development of good-neighbourly relations and dialogue as crucial for the resolution of open issues and played an active role in the context of regional initiatives. Our country has been implementing reform benchmarks to ensure a stable society, full market economy and social justice. Even though Serbia has so far opened 16 (sixteen) and provisionally closed 2 (two) negotiating chapters, we believe that such dynamic in opening chapters does not fully reflect the dynamic of reforms being implemented. Allow me to point to one distinctive feature of our European integration path, i.e., the negotiating Chapter 35 which is to a large degree the one setting the course for the entire process. Making progress in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue has been identified as a prerequisite for further steps in other areas, whereas Pristina has aimed to block the dialogue which is currently stalemated. I recall that the dialogue has been halted due to destabilizing decisions made on the part of Pristina, above all the imposition of 100% tariffs on products originating from central Serbia, thus making everyday life of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija even harder, and it was far from easy to begin with. Despite our sincere commitment to the dialogue with Pristina as the only way to come up with a compromise solution, the dialogue may only continue upon immediate revocation of the measures. All the difficulties notwithstanding, Serbia will move forward on its European path, regardless of the dynamic in the negotiating process as this is the interest of all our citizens. Well-aware of the challenges the EU itself has been facing, such as the upcoming reforms, difficulties in maintaining unity, etc., Serbia has the expectation that the enlargement policy will remain the Union's focus, it being one of the most successful policies pursued on the old continent. Dear guests, In today's world dealing with serious challenges, the Balkans has always been a zone of the great power interests' clashes and geopolitical shifts. By cooperating with its partners in the region, Europe and the world at large, through engagement in the UN, OSCE and the Council of Europe and other international and regional organizations and initiatives, Serbia has constantly contributed to the strengthening of peace, stability and economic prosperity of the region as a whole. We could not be more acutely aware of the fact that the Western Balkans needs compromise and flexibility in facing numerous challenges, at both the regional and global levels. In this respect, our country has devoted tangible efforts to promote regional cooperation and defuse tensions in the Balkans, while showing readiness to overcome the negative heritage of the past and build a joint future based on the principles of mutual appreciation and respect. As a good neighbour, Serbia will be a reliable partner to all who are ready to share the burden of responsibility in the implementation of the common historic endeavour that is building a developed, stable and prosperous region. As a country continuing the tradition of friendly relations fostered between the SFRY and a number of countries on all continents, in addition to a balanced and diversified cooperation with great powers such as the U.S., the Russian Federation and China, Serbia has endeavoured to maintain active cooperation with the countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Finally, my message to you is that it is essential that your life goals be righteous, humane and noble. This is the only right way for you as young, educated individuals to one day contribute as professionals to the maintenance of universal values and, therefore, to building a more graceful, just and secure world that we leave to you. I earnestly hope that you will remember Serbia fondly, and that you will want to return and visit us again", stressed the Serbian Foreign Minister addressing the students. Friday, 5 April 2019 THE GRANDDAUGHTER OF MAHATMA GANDHI AT THE PROMOTION OF HER BOOK ![]() Following the keynote address by Director of the Diplomatic Academy Mirjana Milosavljevic, who introduced the guest to the audience, the granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi spoke about her childhood and the time she spent with her grandfather, numerous leaders and freedom fighters who laid the foundations of independent India. Apart from the author, the editor of "Albatros plus" publishing house Mladen Vesković also spoke about the book, assessing that although the book was not voluminous it was a valuable collection of memories giving a clear picture of how modern India came into being. Written in a simple language, from the perspective of a child, it provides an outline of Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence, which can be applied in today's world, Vesković emphasized. Following the presentation, Tara Gandhi Bhattacharjee signed her books. Her book was translated to Serbian on the occasion of 70 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and India and 150 years since the birth of Mahatma Gandhi. The event was attended by First Secretary and Head of the Office of the Embassy of India in Belgrade Vigel Kumar, trainees of the Diplomatic Academy, employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by media representatives. 18 December 2018 FACULTY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE STUDENTS VISIT THE MFA The best third-year students of the Belgrade University Faculty of Political Science visited today the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and attended a lecture organized by the MFA Diplomatic Academy. ![]() The reception was held at the Serbian Diplomacy Museum, where the group was met by the MFA Secretary-General, Mr. Veljko Odalovic. Mr. Odalovic introduced the students to the competences of the Foreign Ministry and to its organizational structure, with particular emphasis on the tasks of each sector, including the activities of Serbian diplomatic and consular missions abroad. He also underlined Serbia's foreign policy priorities and drew the students' attention to the diplomatic activities relevant to the development of good relations with all states, carried out in areas of bilateral, multilateral and consular cooperation, in line with the national interests. Speaking about the foreign policy goals, he touched on Serbia's European path, its negotiations with the EU, and on its strategic partnerships and their positive impact on the country's economic development. He particularly referred to cooperation with the neighbouring countries of the region. In his speech, the Secretary General pointed both to the basic and the distinctive features of the diplomatic calling at this point in time, especially in view of the current social and political developments at the international political stage. He mentioned the latest developments in Kosovo and Metohija, explaining the importance of UNSC Resolution 1244 from the viewpoint of international law, and the complexity of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and its impact on the preservation of peace and stability, not only in the southern Serbian province, but also in the entire region. The Secretary-General took numerous student questions. After the lecture, students had the opportunity to tour the permanent exhibition of the MFA Museum of Diplomacy. 12 December 2018 SWEDISH STUDENTS VISIT MFA Representatives of the Uppsala Association of Foreign Affairs, who are paying a study visit to Belgrade, toured today the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where they had the opportunity to attend lectures organized by the Diplomatic Academy, about the process of Serbia's European integration and the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. Deputy Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs in charge of the European Union Dejan Ralevic underlined that EU membership was the strategic foreign policy priority of the Republic of Serbia and acquainted the students with the course of negotiating process and its positive impact on the reform process in different areas. Mr. Ralevic added that the final goal was not only full EU membership, but Serbia's general progress, as it strives to the common European values. He also highlighted that the course of the negotiations with EU was conditioned upon Chapter 35, i.e. the agreements achieved in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, which is a precedent in comparison to the negotiating experiences of other EU Member States. Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dejan Pavicevic introduced the Swedish students to the most important facts about the southern Serbian Province, explaining its importance for the Serbian cultural and religious heritage. He elaborated on the current situation, brought about by the imposition of tariffs on goods made in Serbia, and the negative consequences of this decision for the Serbian population and for the health sector in particular. Mr. Pavicevic emphasized that the Serbian side respected and implemented the agreements reached in the Brussels dialogue, pointing to the gravity of negotiations, while noting that the continuation of the dialogue was the only road leading to a reasonable solution. 11 December 2018 SIXTH BELGRADE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS VISIT THE MFA Students attending the Sixth Belgrade High School visited today the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. The visit, organized by the MFA Diplomatic Academy, was envisaged by the syllabus related to the Constitution and the rights of citizens. On the occasion, Mr. Veljko Odalovic, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, welcomed the students and acquainted them with the most significant diplomatic activities in the field of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, and spoke, at the same time, about the organizational structure of the Ministry and the role of Serbian diplomatic and consular missions abroad. As regards the foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Serbia, the Secretary General pointed to its commitment to building good relations with all countries of the world, with emphasis on the preservation of its strategic partnership with certain countries. In his remarks to the students, Mr. Odalovic explained the importance of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in the context of the observance of international law and Resolution 1244, pointing out that Serbia contributes to good-neighbourly regional relations owing to its balanced policy. After the lecture, the students toured the permanent exhibition of the Ministry's Museum of Diplomacy. 13 November 2018 LECTURES TO STUDENTS OF AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN BRUSSELS Students of American University's Brussels Center, led by their Professor Jerome Sheridan, visited today Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They are visiting Belgrade and the region as part of their study tour. Acting Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Security Policy Ambassador Branimir Filipovic and Deputy Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for the European Union Ambassador Dejan Ralevic gave lectures to the students. Ambassador Filipovic informed the students of Serbia's foreign policy priorities in the field of security policy. He pointed to our country's commitment to taking part in the EU Common Security and Defense Policy by contributing troops to EU and UN missions and operations. He emphasized that with a view to preserving and promoting peace and stability in the region, Serbia maintained partnership cooperation with NATO through the Partnership for Peace program, on the basis of military neutrality, i.e. its decision not to join any of the existing military alliances. Ambassador Filipovic emphasized in particular an important role of KFOR in Kosovo and Metohija and implementation of its mandate under UNSC resolution 1244 (1999) for the preservation of peace and stability in the Province and protection of Serbs and their historical and religious heritage. Deputy Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for the European Union, Ambassador Dejan Ralevic singled out Serbia's membership in the EU as its foreign policy priority. He spoke about the negotiating process and how compared to other enlargements in the past it unfolded in changed international circumstances coinciding with EU internal reforms, UK brexit and the migration crisis. He discussed political relations with the EU and its Member States as well as progress of the Belgrade/Pristina dialogue through conditions that Serbia has to achieve to move forward on its European path, an unprecedented requirement for accession so far. Ambassador Ralevic indicated that the negotiating process triggered a number of important reforms in various fields, which should be conducive not only to EU membership but to the country's progress in general. Students of American University also visited the Office for Kosovo and Metohija and had a chance to meet with the Deputy Director of the Office, Mr. Dusan Kozarev. 5 November 2018 Minister Dačić opened an international seminar for young diplomats "Foreign Policy Priorities and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Serbia" Address by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, at the opening of an international seminar for young diplomats "Foreign Policy Priorities and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Serbia": ![]() "Excellencies, Distinguished participants, Dear guests, Ladies and gentlemen, It is my great honour and pleasure to have the opportunity to greet you and welcome you in Belgrade and in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I would like to thank you for attending the international seminar for young diplomats, entitled "Foreign Policy Priorities and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Serbia", and hosted by the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. Although you come from different countries that are geographically very far away from Serbia, I am convinced that you have the basic knowledge about our country, which you acquired either through education, at the work place, in the media or by preparing for this seminar. I sincerely hope that the lectures covering different areas that we have organized for you will be an opportunity to further expand and deepen your knowledge about Serbia. Apart from the lectures, you will visit cultural and government institutions during your stay in Belgrade, which will, together with your colleagues from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as direct contacts with our people, contribute to creating your image about Serbia and make you richer for a new experience and another culture. Dear guests, In order to better understand the role of Serbia in today's world, let me first introduce you to basic information about the priorities of my country's foreign policy. The foreign policy goals of the Republic of Serbia include preserving, first and foremost, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, continuation of the negotiation process with the European Union and achieving full EU membership in the near future, developing bilateral relations both with the leading players on the global political stage, as well as with all other countries in the world, peace and stability in the region, good neighbourly relations and military neutrality. The Republic of Serbia seeks to foster traditionally good relations with the friendly countries as well and to further improve them, but we also work hard to improve relations with all those partners of the international community with which we do not share common views on certain issues, respecting divergence in opinion, guided by the basic principles of international law. The most important foreign policy priority of the Republic of Serbia is to preserve the territorial integrity and sovereignty, with Kosovo and Metohija as its integral part. Serbia is committed to respecting international law and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, that is to say the principles of sovereign equality and the inviolability of territorial integrity, and, therefore, it is extremely active in the field of bilateral and multilateral policy in order to achieve this goal. I would like to point out that the overall foreign policy activity of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, supported by hard work, immense efforts and commitment of its institutions, as well as active diplomatic activity, produce a tangible result. Over the past year, a decision to revoke the unilaterally proclaimed independence of "Kosovo" was made by 9 countries: Grenada, Commonwealth of Dominica, Suriname, Liberia, Sao Tome and Principe, Guinea-Bissau, Burundi, Papua New Guinea and Lesotho. You come from countries that have not recognized "Kosovo", and we are extremely grateful to you. The taking of such a position speaks of the commitment of your countries to respect the principles of international law and the fundamental principles of the Charter of the United Nations. On this occasion too, I would also like to emphasize that the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo from February 2008 is an illegitimate and illegal act, which is in full contravention of international law, including the still valid UN Security Council Resolution 1244, adopted in 1999, in accordance with Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. Serbia is firmly committed to a dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as a way to find a compromise solution for Kosovo and Metohija. It fulfils its commitments and acts as a responsible and serious partner in these negotiations, especially when it comes to the implementation of the agreements reached, while, unfortunately, the other party is not acting in this manner. For Serbia, finding a political solution for Kosovo and Metohija is a national priority number one. By defending its national interests, Serbia simultaneously safeguards the international law, the Charter of the United Nations, international peace and regional stability. Dear guests, Let me also make a brief overview of Serbia's relations with big countries as the key players on the international political stage. Serbia and Russia have good bilateral relations in all fields, based on traditional friendship, cultural, religious and economic cohesion. This year we marked 180th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Russia which offers Serbia full support in preserving its territorial integrity, both on the bilateral and multilateral levels. Although the views of Serbia and the United States do not coincide when it comes to finding a solution to the "Kosovo" issue, we advocate the improvement of the relations between the two countries, based on rich history, and on a common goal, i.e. the stability of the Western Balkan region. The relations between the Republic of Serbia and the People's Republic of China are on the ascending line in many areas. The result of the good cooperation between the two countries is reflected in our support to the Chinese President Xi Jinping "The Belt and Road Initiative", as well as the participation of Serbia in the activities of China's cooperation mechanism with 16 countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This is also evidenced by the fact that Chinese companies in the field of infrastructure are currently among the leading contractors in Serbia. Bilateral political relations between Serbia and most of the countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean today outperform the level of economic relations. This opens the scope for more active action in the field of economic cooperation with these countries, especially considering that some of them, as members of BRICS, represent significant factors in the world economy. In view of the relations with the countries of the aforementioned regions, I would like to refer to the very important role of the Non-Aligned Movement. As you know, the former Yugoslavia played a leading role in this Movement, the policy of which can be regarded today as the significant foreign policy legacy of Serbia, being one of the successor states to Yugoslavia. Crisis spots in today's global world and their aftermath have made the goals of the Non-Aligned Movement almost equally the topic of today. We are proud of the fact that Serbia has continued to foster friendly relations with the member states, especially in the framework of bilateral cooperation and the strengthening of the role of the United Nations, the Charter of which defines the purposes and principles in the fight for peace in the world. As a contribution to the strengthening of cooperation with NAM member states, Serbia has been successfully implementing the project "The World in Serbia" since 2010, thus continuing scholarship programs and education of young people from member states and observer countries to the Movement. Serbia's strategic goal is full membership of the European Union. With the opening of the European perspective, the path of reconciliation and cooperation in the WB region has been paved. In this context, our country advocates the development of good neighbourly relations and dialogue as the basic tool in resolving outstanding issues among neighbouring countries. Serbia therefore actively participates in the work of regional initiatives, thus confirming its position as a regional leader. Although we are pursuing the policy of military neutrality, this does not prevent us from implementing partner cooperation with both NATO and the Russian Federation. Thanks to its participation in the Partnership for Peace, Serbia today participates in six peacekeeping missions and operations of the United Nations (Congo, Liberia, Cyprus, Lebanon, the Middle East, the Central African Republic) and four EU missions. Dear participants, In conclusion, I would like to address you as young and promising diplomats aware of the fact that engaging in diplomacy is not only a privilege and an honour, but also an opportunity to represent your country internationally. Therefore, diplomat is expected to be a versatile person, who, in addition to good education and upbringing, must possess necessary capabilities, skills and methods of communication, negotiation, general management of state affairs, in order to successfully participate in solving various problems on the international political stage. There are few professions that, like diplomacy, represent the synthesis of various scientific fields, ranging from politics, through history and geography, to culture and economics, which makes it a very complex discipline. Therefore, it is very important to strive, on a continued basis, for expanding and improving the already acquired knowledge, as well as adopting the new one. With a comprehensive approach to diplomatic profession, you will successfully represent not only your country abroad, promote its foreign policy, priorities and goals, but you will be able to better understand other nations. Dear young diplomats, This seminar is also an opportunity to get in touch with your Serbian colleagues, diplomats, with whom you may have an opportunity to cooperate in the future in solving many issues of common interest, with the aim of contributing, by joint forces, not only to better relations between our countries, but also to the universal progress of humanity. I declare the seminar open, and to you, dear participants, I wish a pleasant stay in our capital and every success in the future work. " 23 October 2018 DIPLOMAS FORMALLY AWARDED TO STUDENTS OF THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY Statement by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic at the ceremony of awarding diplomas to students of the Foreign Ministry's Diplomatic Academy, class 2017/18, and a new generation enrolment: ![]() "Dear students of the Diplomatic Academy, Dear professors and colleagues, Today's diploma awarding ceremony to the students of the Diplomatic Academy is a solemn occasion unto itself, but also an opportunity to touch upon two important topics that are at the very core of our duties here. The first is, naturally, related to international situation and challenges facing the foreign policy of our country. And the second one concerns you as members of diplomatic staff to pursue this foreign policy through your engagement throughout the state administration. This is also an opportunity to recall that the key foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Serbia are the principled fight for the preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty, further course of the accession talks with the European Union until ultimately becoming a Member State, further development of good-neighbourly relations, promotion of relations and a stronger connectivity with countries with major influence, and also our military neutrality. As you know, reaching a political solution for Kosovo and Metohija remains the national priority of our country. Serbia has demonstrated this through its dedication to the dialogue with Pristina and by following up on its commitments, in line with the principles and values we pursue and stand for as a state. However, the moves made by Pristina have been undermining the dialogue and regional stability and, most importantly, threatening the safety of Serbs and other non-Albanian population in Kosovo and Metohija. Even five and a half years after the conclusion of the Brussels Agreement, Pristina has yet to embark on the implementation of its commitments, first and foremost the establishment of the Community of Serbian Municipalities. In such circumstances, our endeavours continue aiming to resolve issues related to property, cultural and religious heritage, cadastral records, freedom of movement, while opposing in particular the establishment of the so-called army of "Kosovo", which could jeopardize not only the security in the Province and the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, but also the stability of the entire region. By exercising an active approach and through the devoted work and efforts of our diplomacy towards the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia, we have achieved success reflected in seven states revoking their previous recognitions of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo. Lesotho was the last among them, including Suriname, Sao Tome and Principe, Burundi, Papua New Guinea and Guinea-Bissau. As for our other foreign policy priorities, Serbia sees membership of the European Union as its key strategic goal. The EU accession process is defined through a reform package for Serbia to implement in order to harmonize its legislative framework and administrative apparatus with Europe. The reform package focuses on the judiciary and fight against corruption and human trafficking. One of the important segments of our foreign policy is the maintenance and promotion of the close and friendly relations with the Russian Federation. Building on the tradition of good relations we have developed a strategic partnership, while maintaining constant communication at the highest level. In addition to the full support offered by Russia to Serbian territorial integrity, this country is at the same time one of our leading partners in terms of foreign trade. This year marks the 180th anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and the Russian Federation, and one of the events organized on this occasion was the visit by Minister Lavrov to Belgrade. President Vucic, too, recently visited Moscow and it is expected that President Putin will visit Serbia again in January 2019. The relations with China have been significantly promoted in the recent years, which resulted in establishing a strategic partnership, as well as a visit by the Chinese President to Serbia in 2016. The Republic of Serbia is fully supportive of "The Belt and Road" initiative launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping and is among the most diligent in the framework of the China-CEEC (16+1) cooperation format. In terms of the economy, Chinese companies have been at the forefront of investments in infrastructure in Serbia, resulting in an improved connectivity of the country and the region and, thus, a better environment for foreign investments. In this context, Serbia is currently a country participating in the largest number of joint projects in Central and Eastern Europe. Although we do not share their views concerning the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and Metohija, what we do share with the U.S. is the common goal of stability and prosperity for the Western Balkans. In this regard, Serbia has been a reliable and responsible partner. In recent years, political dialogue has been intensified at high and top levels, economic relations have developed as well as military cooperation. I am pleased to able to say that a considerable progress has been made in the relations with the United States of America – President Vucic was on a bilateral visit to Washington, D.C., while an invitation to President Trump was extended too for a visit to Serbia. What used to be the "Third Way" of Yugoslavia and its leading role in the Non-Aligned Movement has today become a foreign policy asset of Serbia in its fight for the preservation of territorial integrity, but also towards the development of economic cooperation with countries belonging to this bloc. A majority of African, Latin American and Asian countries share the same positions concerning the respect for international law. In this context, Serbia pays great attention to the development of all-round cooperation with these traditional friends, and particularly to rebuilding the economic cooperation and attracting investments. Throughout all of its activity Serbia has built for itself a profile of a responsible, reliable and predictable partner with no hidden agendas. However, anyone aiming to fully perceive the complexity of the calling of a diplomat, and particularly in the foreign policy circumstances our country is dealing with, he or she needs to bear in mind that what was mentioned here is but a fraction of bilateral activities. As for Serbia's diplomatic efforts at the multilateral level, I have to point to the topicality of the fight to prevent Pristina's all too well known aspirations to join UNESCO, Interpol and other international organizations. In addition, we are carrying out regular activities in the fields of human rights, humanitarian issues, democracy and rule of law. Distinguished students of the Diplomatic Academy, An important aspect of our foreign policy orientation is also the policy of military neutrality, which in no way implies a policy of isolation but, in fact, the opposite. The biggest challenge for us is to pursue such a policy to identify avenues for good cooperation with all stakeholders. To illustrate this, I will mention that the number of joint military exercises with NATO members surpasses that carried out with the Russian Federation. However, this is not indicative of our foreign policy and military orientation, but simply reflects the fact that six out of eight Serbia's neighbouring countries are already NATO members and it is only natural that you cooperate the most with your neighbours, because you share a lot more in common with them than just state borders. In line with its foreign policy orientation to pursue membership of the EU, Serbia has been committed to cooperating with all EU Member States and institutions in the context of the Common Security and Defence Policy. By participating in EU- and UN-mandated missions and operations Serbia has been demonstrating its commitment to making a tangible contribution to global, European and regional security, adherence to international law, while further affirming its European orientation. The Republic of Serbia takes part in four EU- as well as five UN-mandated missions and operations, in which 279 personnel of the Serbian Army are currently deployed. Our country is, therefore, among the top European countries according to its contribution to peace missions and the first in the Western Balkans region. Process has been underway to establish a national legal and institutional framework to enable participation of civilian structures as well in such multinational missions. All these activities constitute an important segment of the Serbian foreign policy, not only as steps to bring the country closer to the EU, but also as a token of mutual trust and readiness to share responsibility. Dear young colleagues, I am confident that the complexity of the task before us in pursuit of the country's foreign policy will not discourage you in your future activities, but on the contrary, motivate you further to develop professionally and build personal capacities. A Serbian diplomat is expected to work facing an increasing discord between the society's prejudice against alleged prestige, privileges and lucrative benefits of the diplomatic profession on the one hand, and the pressure and responsibility entailed in a series of continuous and delicate diplomatic and consular circumstances and occurrences, on the other. I am particularly pleased that this generation has yielded more students with high average marks, with as many as five of you having maximum scores in this regard. Considering that they took the majority of exams while also finishing their apprenticeship at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I would like to congratulate Ms. Jelena Delic and Mr. Marko Protic for being the best students of the generation. Mr. Vladimir Koturovic and Mr. Milos Purkovic from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ms. Marija Tanaskovic from the Security Information Agency have also finished the training with maximum average score. I would like to underline in particular the success achieved by Mr. Nikola Radojlovic from the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs and his 9.89 average score and to thank him for leading by example in showing perseverance and dedication as well as for actively partaking in all activities at the Diplomatic Academy. To all the students of this generation being awarded their diplomas today I want to thank for their cooperation in the past year, and I hope that the knowledge they acquired and friendships and contacts made at the Diplomatic Academy will make a huge impact on your professional development and efficiency in the duties you perform in your respective ministries. I would also like to extend my warm welcome to the students of the new generation and wish you to, first of all, manage to balance your professional duties with the tasks and requirements at the Diplomatic Academy. I also hope that you will manage to surpass the success of your predecessors and that such a trend will become a tradition. In the months ahead, the Programme you are about to attend at the Diplomatic Academy will provide you with an opportunity to absorb many facts, but I also hope that this will offer you at least as much encouragement for independent thinking. In this context, I would like to take this opportunity to thank those without whom the Programme would not exist – all of the previous and future lecturers, and particularly the coordinator for their great support in the evaluation of the attendants' knowledge and skills. Thank you all once again for your attention and I wish you the best of luck and all the success." 22 October 2018 A lecture for young diplomats and discussion with Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway Ambassador Wegger Strommen As part of his working visit to Belgrade, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway Ambassador Wegger Strømmen gave a lecture on Norwegian foreign policy, its priorities and challenges, to Attachés and young diplomats undergoing apprenticeship at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ambassador Strømmen informed the attendees about the basic tenets of the Norwegian foreign policy, and discussed cooperation with major countries and the European Union, and also relations with neighbouring countries. He also touched upon Brexit and other challenges present in the global political arena. In his lecture, the Norwegian diplomat brought up many examples of diplomatic communication he experienced throughout his illustrious career, and which the young diplomats could take advantage of in their future diplomatic practice, as advice and useful guidance. In a Q&A that followed the lecture, the young diplomats of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had an opportunity to ask Ambassador Strømmen questions related to the field of diplomacy and foreign policy. 1 Jun 2018 Ambassador June Soomer, Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States, gave a lecture to Diplomatic Academy attendees Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), Ambassador June Soomer called on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during her official visit to the Republic of Serbia, and gave a lecture at the Diplomatic Academy. In her address, Ambassador Soomer presented organizational structure and the scope of activities of the ACS focusing on the importance of their geostrategic and geographic position. She spoke about the potential of the countries of the region and the challenges they face due to climate change. She underlined, in particular, the importance of Serbia's participation as an ACS observer and pointed out that the signed Framework Agreement on Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and ACS is the legal framework for the development of the future cooperation with the member states in the areas of common interest such as tourism, education, culture, protection against natural disasters, etc. 31 May 2018 SPEAKER OF THE PEOPLE'S NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF GUINEA-BISSAU CIPRIANO CASSAMA GIVES A LECTURE AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY Speaker of the People's National Assembly of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau Cipriano Cassama gave a lecture to the students of the Serbian MFA's Diplomatic Academy, during his official visit to the Republic of Serbia. Speaker Cassama presented his country through a brief historical overview, with special emphasis on Guinea-Bissau's struggle for independence, political and economic system, and natural resources. Mr. Cassama underlined the traditionally friendly relations between our two countries, dating back to the times of the Non-Aligned Movement, which constitute a good basis and potential for the enhancement of bilateral cooperation in all areas of mutual interest. In the end, the Speaker of the People's National Assembly of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau emphasized that his country did not recognize the independence of "Kosovo" and that it respected the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia. 14 May 2018 STUDENTS OF THE VIENNA DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY VISIT THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Students of the Vienna Diplomatic Academy, accompanied by the Academy Director, Ambassador Emil Brix, visited today the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia within the framework of a study visit to the Balkan region. On the occasion, a lecture was given by the Deputy Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Bilateral Cooperation, Tamara Rastovac- Siamashvili. In the lecture, Mrs. Tamara Rastovac-Siamashvili presented the foreign policy objectives of the Republic of Serbia, highlighting the main priorities, including EU membership, preservation of the country's territorial integrity and sovereignty, regional stability and cooperation, economic diplomacy and military neutrality. The Deputy Assistant Foreign Minister underlined Serbia's commitment to strengthening cooperation with all key partners in international relations, both the EU countries and the United States, as well as the Russian Federation, PR of China and other countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Tamara Rastovac further discussed Serbia's participation in regional initiatives, and different forms of trilateral and quadrilateral cooperation, aimed, altogether, at promoting good-neighbourly relations and preserving the stability in the region. After the lecture, the Deputy Assistant Minister for Bilateral Cooperation responded to a series of student questions. The Vienna Diplomatic Academy Director, Ambassador Emil Brix, also held a lecture, attended by the participants of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Diplomatic Academy and trainees, as well as students of the Belgrade University Faculty of Political Science. The visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the Vienna Diplomatic Academy students has traditionally been organized for many years, as a result of cooperation between the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Vienna Diplomatic Academy. 9 May 2018 Clemson University students visit Serbian MFA In the context of their study visit to the Republic of Serbia, a group of students attending the South Carolina Clemson University (USA) visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. The Ministry and the University have maintained years-long cooperation. On the occasion, the students were given lectures by Deputy Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Bilateral Cooperation Tamara Rastovac-Siamashvili, Acting Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Security Policy Ambassador Branimir Filipovic and Assistant Director at the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dejan Pavicevic. Ms. Tamara Rastovac-Siamashvili introduced the US students to Serbia's foreign policy objectives, and to the Ministry's organizational structure, highlighting the European integration process and the preservation of the country's territorial integrity and sovereignty as major priorities, while emphasizing the efforts that Serbia had invested to strengthen both its cooperation with all the countries from the region, and the overall regional stability. She also underscored the importance of Serbia's cooperation with the EU and the United States, as well as with the Russian Federation, People's Republic of China and the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, pointing to the importance that Serbia attached to its participation in regional initiatives and in different forms of trilateral and quadrilateral cooperation. Speaking about the foreign political aspects of Serbia's security policy, Ambassador Branimir Filipovic focused on the forms of cooperation that Serbia maintains with NATO through PfP, within the framework of its policy of military neutrality. He also touched on the SAF participation in peacekeeping missions led by the UN and EU, Serbia's cooperation with the European Union in the field of the common security and defence policy, and on Serbia's engagement in the area of arms control, disarmament and WMD non-proliferation. Through interactive communication, Assistant Director at the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dejan Pavicevic acquainted the students with the course of the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations, the Serbs' situation and the current developments in the southern Serbian Province. Following the lectures, the students toured the Museum of Serbian Diplomacy. 2 April 2018 American University's Brussels Centre students visit Ministry of Foreign Affairs A group of students attending the American University's Brussels Centre, headed by Professor Jerome Sheridan, visited today the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, in the context of the traditional study visit to Belgrade. On the occasion, the students were given lectures by Mr Vladimir Medjak, PhD, former coordinator and current lecturer at the MFA Diplomatic Academy, Mr Branislav Pekic, Minister-Counsellor at the MFA Security Policy Sector and Mr Dusan Kozarev, Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. Through the prism of the European integration of the entire Western Balkan region, Dr Vladimir Medjak introduced the American students to the course of Serbia's EU accession negotiations, including the timeline of all the stages, from the beginning to the present day, with special emphasis on the chapters opened so far. While speaking about Serbia's foreign policy priorities in the area of security policy, Mr Branislav Pekic underlined the goals of Serbia's security policy in the framework of foreign policy, pointing to the cooperation maintained at the international level and laying stress on Serbia's participation in the PfP programme, and on the participation of SAF personnel in UN- and EU-led peace missions. The final lecture was held by Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dusan Kozarev. Mr. Kozarev spoke to the students about the Serbian historical and cultural heritage in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, the status of the Serbs and the current situation in the southern Serbian Province, as well as about the course of the Belgrade – Pristina negotiations. 27 March 2018 STUDENTS OF BELGRADE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SECURITY STUDIES VISIT MFA In cooperation with the Belgrade University Faculty of Security Studies, the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia organized a third-year students' visit to the MFA. The students are currently doing a course in Diplomacy and Defence within their study program. Students were met at the Museum of Serbian Diplomacy by MFA Secretary General Mr. Veljko Odalovic and Head of the Diplomatic Academy Ms. Mirjana Milosavljevic, who addressed them. Secretary General Odalovic introduced the students to the organizational structure of the Ministry and to the network of diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Serbia abroad, with particular regard to the competences of each sector individually, pointing to the main characteristics and specificities of the diplomatic profession at the present time. Ms. Milosavljevic spoke about the history and practice of professional training and specialization of both diplomats and civil servants, the competences of the Diplomatic Academy, the syllabus of the Diplomatic and Consular Exam and about the internships hosted by the Ministry and its diplomatic and consular missions in foreign countries. 15 March 2018 VISIT BY CLEMSON UNIVERSITY STUDENTS TO THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS The Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Belgrade co-hosted a visit today to the Ministry by a group of ten US Clemson University students, who are attending a semester at the Faculty of Political Science, within their "Clemson study abroad" program. During their visit, the students had talks with Head of the Diplomatic Academy Mirjana Milosavljevic, Deputy Assistant Minister for Bilateral Affairs Tamara Rastovac-Siamasvili as well as with the Acting Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Branimir Filipovic. At the end of their visit to the Ministry the US students visited the Museum of Serbian Diplomacy. 14 March 2018 SIGNING OF THE MEMORANDUM ON COOPERATION BETWEEN THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA AND THE MOROCCAN ACADEMY FOR DIPLOMATIC STUDIES OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE KINGDOM OF MOROCCO ![]() Minister Dacic also held a lecture to the trainees of the Moroccan Academy for Diplomatic Studies focusing on the foreign policy priorities and European integration of the Republic of Serbia, as well as on the regional cooperation and current international topics. 2 March 2018 AMBASSADOR KISHAN RANA GIVES A LECTURE AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Following the introductory speech by the Head of the Diplomatic Academy on marking the 70th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations with the Republic of India, Professor Emeritus Kishan Rana, former Ambassador of India, held a lecture entitled "21st Century Diplomacy" for the participants of the 2017/2018 Basic Diplomatic Training Programme and employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Beginning his lecture, Ambassador Rana underlined the traditionally friendly relations between the two countries, rooted in the Non-Aligned Movement. He spoke about current trends in the diplomatic practice and 21st century diplomacy, increasing role of bilateral diplomacy, economic, public and cultural diplomacy, and the role of professional diplomacy in the achievement of national interests and objectives. Giving a series of examples from his rich diplomatic career, Ambassador Kishan Rana shared his experience in diplomatic practice with the Diplomatic Training participants, offering useful advice to young diplomats. 26 February 2018 "YOUNG ISRAELI AMBASSADORS" VISIT THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA A group of Israeli high school students, participating in the "Young Israeli Ambassadors" programme, accompanied by an Embassy representative, visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, on 26 February 2018. Secretary General of the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Veljko Odalovic held a lecture on the foreign policy priorities of Serbia. In a brief presentation, Ms. Milica Vujovic – Rojl, Counsellor in the European Union Sector, highlighted the relations between the Republic of Serbia and Israel, including the culture and tourism potential of the Republic of Serbia. 26 February 2018 PROF. DR. QIN YAQING, PRESIDENT OF CHINA FOREIGN AFFAIRS UNIVERSITY AND HONORARY RECTOR OF THE CHINESE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY HELD A LECTURE AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Following the introductory remarks made by the Head of the Diplomatic Academy, and Ambassador Milos Strugar, Prof. Dr. Qin Yaqing, President of China Foreign Affairs University and Rector of the Chinese Diplomatic Academy, held a lecture today on "Global Governance and the International Order" for the participants of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. Professor Qin Yaqing underlined the importance of multilateral institutionalism as a new pillar of the future world order that will embrace pluralism and different interests, encourage participation and networking of all actors, indicating partnership values. The Professor underlined that the new world order made it incumbent on all participants in international relations to create - notwithstanding multiculturalism, an area of multilateral institutional action to address global problems and pursue good and effective governance. 23 February 2018 THE HEAD OF OSCE MISSION TO SERBIA, H.E. ANDREA ORIZIO, HELD A LECTURE "OSCE MISSION'S MANDATE IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA" FOR THE PARTICIPANTS OF THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY The Head of the OSCE Mission to the Republic of Serbia, Ambassador Andrea Orizio, held a lecture "OSCE Mission's Mandate in the Republic of Serbia" for the participants of the Diplomatic Academy. After the opening remarks made by Mrs. Mirjana Milosavljevic, Head of the Diplomatic Academy, Ambassador Andrea Orizio explained the role and importance of the mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in the world, underlining a series of different tasks arising from the specific problems facing the countries where the Organization was active. Speaking about the role and the significance of the OSCE Mission to the Republic of Serbia, Ambassador Andrea Orizio indicated the goals of the Mission's mandate to provide assistance and advice to the civil society relating to the strengthening of independent and effective institutions, particularly in the areas of the rule of law, human rights, media, police in fighting organized trafficking in persons and narcotics, etc.. Ambassador Orizio particularly emphasized OSCE's assistance in judicial reform aimed at promoting an independent justice administration system, improving professionalism, independence, accountability and efficiency of the judiciary in line with the European standards and values. 13 February 2018 FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS OF THE 7th CLASS OF ADVANCED SECURITY AND DEFENCE STUDIES VISIT THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS ![]() Acting Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Security Policy Ambassador Branimir Filipovic and Deputy Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for EU Dejan Ralevic welcomed the students and gave a lecture to them. Ambassador Filipovic pointed to Serbia's foreign policy priorities and the results of cooperation between our country and the NATO Partnership for Peace Programme in the framework of military neutrality policy, cooperation with the EU on the Common Security and Defence Policy, as well as Serbia's engagement in the field of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation. He indicated the readiness of the Republic of Serbia to share responsibility at regional, European and global levels in facing security challenges and emphasized that our country has been recognized as an exporter of security and a reliable partner internationally, making a key contribution to the preservation of regional peace and stability as a basic precondition for economic and all other types of progress in the region as a whole. Deputy Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for European Affairs Dejan Ralevic spoke to the students about the political process related to Serbia's EU integration, as well as about the most important challenges and specific issues that Serbia is facing including the prospects in the process of EU negotiations and accession talks. He recalled that in January 2014, the Republic of Serbia officially embarked upon EU accession negotiations, that out of 35 it opened 12 chapters so far, while two have been provisionally closed. He said that EU membership was a foreign policy priority of Serbia and noted positive messages in the recently published strategy for "credible enlargement perspective for the Western Balkans" prepared by the European Commission including our expectations in that regard. At the end of the lecture, the students of the Advanced Security and Defence Studies had an opportunity to ask questions and engage in conversation with the lecturers. 11 January 2018 Minister of Foreign Affairs Dacic held a lecture "Serbian Foreign Policy Priorities" for the attendees of the Diplomatic Academy programme "Dear participants of the Diplomatic Academy programme, Dear colleagues, After realistically reviewing the security and political challenges that we are facing today, and respecting international law, the Republic of Serbia has defined the following as its key foreign policy priorities: principled fight for the preservation of its territorial integrity and sovereignty; continuation of the negotiating process with the European Union pending full membership; further development of good-neighbourly relations; strengthening economic bonds with major countries; and military neutrality. In the implementation of its foreign policy goals, the Republic of Serbia is guided by its legitimate national interests, resorting to diplomatic activity and dialogue as a means of deepening the traditionally good relations with friendly countries, while establishing, at the same time, better quality relations with those partners in the international community with which we share positions on certain issues and understand differences of opinion. Such a policy of independent decision-making which is, we are convinced, realistic and right, requires a lot of effort to reflect nuanced positions and strike a balance among many divergent interests that are conflicting, more often than not. Today, Serbia is on the right track, as a result of its foreign policy and the strategic choices made over the past years. The reform path and European Union membership, on the one hand, and the enhancement of its relations with world policymakers – Russia, China and the United States, on the other, as well as the development of the relations with friendly counties of Africa, Asia and South America, whereas the essential and foremost priority in its foreign policy action is to preserve the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country, with Kosovo and Metohija as an integral part of Serbia. Irrespective of the fact that these priorities seem to be mutually antagonistic – preservation of Kosovo and Metohija vis-à-vis European Union membership, enhancement of relations with the Russian Federation as well as with the United States – actually they are not, because they are anchored in the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, and because they are being pursued while abiding by the fundamental principles of international law. In the diplomatic efforts to protect international law and the principles of the United Nations Charter, that is, the principles of sovereign equality and inviolability of territorial integrity, Serbia is actively engaged on bilateral and multilateral levels. It has close cooperation with friendly countries that have not recognized the unilateral declaration of the so-called Republic of Kosovo aimed at preparing argumentation and adopting a joint position towards third countries and international organizations so as to prevent the membership attempts of so-called Kosovo. In defiance of the vast lobbying on the part of some Euro-Atlantic countries in order to promote independence of so-called Kosovo, Serbia has made a significant accomplishment in this respect. Last year, Serbia prevented the attempt of so-called Kosovo to become a member of UNESCO and Interpol, while it was particularly engaged in denying its admission to the World Customs Organization. In this context, I would like to underline that the joint efforts on the international level by Serbia's highest officials and all the relevant ministries and institutions have resulted in the slowed process of new recognitions of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, as well as the revocation of recognitions, as seen in the cases of Suriname and Guinea Bissau. At the regular quarterly sessions of the UN Security Council devoted to the work of UNMIK, Serbia continued its activities to the effect of preserving the format and the existing dynamic of convening UNSC sessions concerning the UN Secretary-General's Reports on the work of UNMIK. We are continuously drawing attention to the fact that the presence of UNMIK - in the existing format without downsizing it and change of mandate – as the guarantor of status neutrality of the international presence in Kosovo and Metohija is vitally important for the security and confidence-building among the communities in Kosovo and Metohija. On the other hand, we regret to note that the other side has made no progress in respect of establishing the Community of Serbian Municipalities, and we wish to warn that the unilateral acts of Pristina, particularly its efforts aimed at creating "Kosovo Armed Forces", are unacceptable. Activities continue on the international level to improve the status and protect the rights of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Kosovo and Metohjija, and to work on the full implementation of the Regional Housing Programme for refugees. The role of KFOR in Kosovo and Metohija, in accordance with UN Security Council resolution 1244, is exceptionally important not only from the aspect of Serbia's interests, but the region as a whole. Serbia fully supports the mandate of the KFOR Mission, and it is highly important that its presence in Kosovo in Metohija is not downsized. Serbia highly appreciates NATO's approach that decisions on the size and deployment of KFOR forces be made based on the assessment of the security situation, without setting premature frameworks. KFOR plays a highly important role in the protection of the Serbian inhabitants, as well as in respect of Serbian cultural and religious heritage sites in the Province. Membership of the European Union is one of Serbia's strategic foreign policy priorities. Although we believe that Serbia could make more rapid progress along its EU path, we support the "regatta principle" based on the assessment of progress made by individual states, rather than all regional states in a "package". Last year has seen the opening of 6 negotiating chapters out of the total of 12 that Serbia has opened thus far, whereas 8 are at various stages of the negotiations. On the other hand, Serbia's commitment to Common Foreign and Security Policy has been demonstrated through its participation in military and police peace missions, building capacities for participation in civilian peace operations, cooperation in the fight against terrorism, including successful cooperation with the EU during the refugee and migrant crisis. Serbia has embarked on a review of its strategic documents in the security and defence areas, guided by the Global EU Strategy and other strategic EU documents. A special segment in Serbia – EU negotiations is Chapter 35, which determines to a considerable extent the course of the entire process. Achievement of progress in the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue is set as a condition for progressing in other areas, which aggravates the process because of Pristina's continued obstruction of the implementation of the agreements reached. Developed and successful regional cooperation through many regional initiatives is also conducive to Serbia's EU membership. The Republic of Serbia has taken a constructive stand in respect of the participation of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Pristina in the work of regional forums, which is a requirement under Chapter 35. In compliance with the agreements reached, Serbia has accepted the participation of "Kosovo*" (with an asterisk and the known text of the footnote): in the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) and the activities in the Migration, Asylum and Refugee Regional Initiative (MARRI). I particularly wish to single out the on-going "Berlin Process". Four summits have been held so far: in Berlin, Vienna, Paris and Trieste, and 19 meetings convened at the level of relevant Western Balkans government ministries and the European Commission. Within the framework of the "Berlin Process", Serbia has worked devotedly to deliver on the commitments undertaken within the framework of the "Connectivity Agenda" – the initial backbone of the process, aimed at construction and development of infrastructure as the basis for an accelerated regional development, where Serbia has made greatest progress compared to the rest of the region. At the most recent Summit in Trieste, Serbia and other Balkan countries commenced their work on strengthening trade, investment and digital connectivity. Serbia considers its relations with NATO through the Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme as a highly important area of its foreign and security policy. Serbia is pursuing its policy of military neutrality, reflecting its desire not to join any military alliance. However, military neutrality is not an obstacle to the promotion of its partner cooperation with NATO. Political dialogue has been on the rise, particularly following the adoption of Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP). The standards reached through the participation in the PfP programme proved considerably conducive to Serbia's successful participation in UN- and EU-led missions and operations. A proof of the high level of cooperation with NATO is the fact that, this year, Serbia will be hosting, for the first time, emergency response exercise. The Republic of Serbia is participating in four EU missions, with a total of 35 Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) personnel, and additional six UN missions and operations (Congo, Liberia, Cyprus, Lebanon, Middle East and the Central African Republic). In 2017, almost 700 SAF personnel took part in peace missions and operations worldwide. Fight against terrorism is a joint task, particularly in respect of radical Islamism and the Jihadist phenomenon. Serbia is a member of the Global Coalition against ISIS/Daesh. It devotes particular attention to the "foreign terrorist fighters" phenomenon, that is, the registered soaring of radicalisation and violent extremism in Kosovo and Metohija (according to the estimates, more than 300 persons from Kosovo and Metohija have participated in ISIS ranks, on the battlefields of Syria and Iraq). Moreover, equally threatening is the registered presence of terrorist organizations' cells including Al Qaeda, Mujahideen and the Wahabi movement. The energy security issue constitutes one of the key factors in the economic development of states. Energy supply is not solely an economic issue, but also a national security issue. Serbia supports Energy Community priorities in a series of projects significant for the entire region – "Trans Adriatic Pipeline", "Adriatic Ionian Pipeline", construction of interconnectors, construction of liquefied gas terminals, etc., whereas the activities concerning the "Turk Stream" are also being followed attentively. One of the foremost foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Serbia is the preservation of the stability in the region, enhancement of good-neighbourliness and further economic recovery, including higher standard of living for all people. We have as yet clearly confirmed in each and every situation, without exception, Serbia's determination to address, by way of dialogue, all outstanding issues with its immediate neighbours in the region. This approach has produced significant results, last year. The visit of Turkish President Erdogan to Serbia has opened, according to mutual assessment, a new chapter in the relations between the two countries. During the visit, 15 inter-state agreements were signed, including the declaration on the establishment of the High-Level Cooperation Council between the two countries, whose first session is expected to convene in 2018. The relations between Serbia and Greece have been raised to the highest level; the Greek President and Prime Minister visited Belgrade and the First Session of the High-Level Cooperation Council with that country was held in Thessaloniki. Political dialogue is held on the highest level, both in trilateral and quadrilateral formats – with Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. It is our expectation that the intensity of the dialogue in this format will be maintained in 2018, as well, whereas the next quadrilateral meeting is scheduled to take place in March 2018, in Bucharest. Last year saw the renewal of the trilateral format at foreign ministers level with Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina, while we are also resolved to continue the trilateral cooperation on the level of foreign ministers of Serbia, Italy and Albania. It should be pointed out that we recently substantially promoted dialogue with Albania. In that sense, I would single out in particular our joint interest in projects Nis-Pristina-Durres highway, Belgrade-Podgorica-Shkoder-Durres railway as well as setting up of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office and the Western Balkans Fund, etc. Despite Serbia's efforts to normalize and promote relations in its neighbourhood and the region, we have to be frank and admit that the other side often did not reciprocate by offering a hand in return. As you know, this was much in evidence in the last year at our meetings with Bosniak officials in Bosnia and Herzegovina, officials of Croatia, Macedonia... Still, our country will not be discouraged by such conduct of our neighbours to implement its clearly defined priorities and it will continue to promote the policy of good-neighbourliness and cooperation preventing at the same time any unprincipled conditioning and attempts to internationalize issues that fall exclusively within the competence of sovereign States. Our interest lies in developing best relations possible with leading European countries. I would single out in particular Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, France, Austria and other European countries. One of our foreign policy priorities is maintenance and promotion of the already good relations with the Russian Federation. Based upon traditionally good relations we have built a strategic partnership by signing the Sochi Declaration in May 2013. We maintain regular highest level communication. Russia is one of the leading foreign trading partners to Serbia. In addition to the economy, the two countries have successful cooperation in the fields of energy, culture, science and other areas. Russia fully supports the territorial integrity of Serbia, both at bilateral and multilateral level. On the other hand, we also wish to take our relations with the United States one step further. Although our positions regarding the resolution of the Kosovo issue differ, we are committed to the same goal of stability in the Western Balkans. In order to achieve this goal, Serbia is a reliable and responsible partner. Over the past years, political dialogue at the highest level has been stepped up, coupled with development of economic and military cooperation. Recently, the relations with China have considerably improved leading to strategic partnership and the visit of the Chinese President to Serbia in 2016. We exchange support on issues of key interests to both States and maintain dialogue at all levels. The Republic of Serbia fully supports the initiative of the Chinese President Xi Jinping "Belt and Road" and actively participates in the cooperation mechanism between China and 16 Central and Eastern European countries. At economic level, Chinese companies are leading infrastructure contractors in Serbia improving the connections both within the country and the whole region, thus creating favourable environment for foreign investments. As a result, Serbia is currently the country with the largest number of joint projects in Central and Eastern Europe. Yugoslav "Third Way" policy and its leading role in the Movement of Non-aligned Countries today represents Serbia's foreign policy asset in the fight for the preservation of our territorial integrity since most of African, Latin American and Asian countries share our views regarding the respect of international law. In that sense, Serbia attaches great importance to the development of comprehensive cooperation with these traditional friends, especially in terms of restoring economic cooperation and attracting investments as those States, including BRICS countries, are the engines of the global economy. Although not being a typical foreign policy priority, protection of the rights and interests of our nationals and legal persons and provision of many services and various forms of assistance to them abroad, figure high on the agenda of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For example, in 2017 with the assistance of Spanish and French Governments and national air carrier Air Serbia, 14 Serbian nationals stranded in the Caribbean region in the wake of Hurricane Irma were successfully evacuated. One of the priorities also includes the process of visa liberalization. Foreign nationals, holders of ordinary passports from 78 countries can travel to and stay in Serbia without visas while nationals of 116 countries still need visas. Our nationals can travel to 68 countries without visas and still need visas for 126 countries. The Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the PR of China on mutual abolishment of visas for holders of ordinary passports, which entered into force a year ago, is being successfully implemented. In 2017, in a bid to increase tourist visits and attract foreign investments the Serbian Government decided to abolish visas for the nationals of Peru, Iran, India, Indonesia, Guinea Bissau and Suriname. The role of honorary consuls should also be mentioned here. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs steadily expands its network of honorary consuls. So far, the Republic of Serbia has 73 honorary consuls abroad. In September 2017, we established a consular post in Spain, headed by an honorary consul, with a seat in Zaragoza. In January and February 2018, we plan to formally open a consulate headed by an honorary consul in Perth, Australia, Serbian consulate in Martin in the Slovak Republic and Serbian consulate headed by an honorary consul in Auckland, New Zealand. The protection of the rights and interests of our nationals abroad and development and promotion of ties with Serbs in the region and diaspora is a constitutional duty. To that end, one of the priorities include activities aimed at cooperating with the diaspora and the Serbs in the region, with a view to promoting economic cooperation, affirming Serbian culture and preserving the Serbian language abroad. As motherland, Serbia has an interest in enabling the nationals of the Republic of Serbia and members of Serb communities abroad to enjoy all individual and collective rights guaranteed under international conventions and bilateral international agreements. The Republic of Serbia seeks to help diaspora and the Serbs in the region to become integrated in the States in which they live, bearing in mind that only a well-integrated community can contribute to the promotion of bilateral relations. On the other hand, integration runs the risk of ending up as assimilation. To avoid that, we are making all efforts to meet the needs of Serb nationals and ex-compatriots abroad and help them to preserve their national and cultural identity. In that connection, intensification of bilateral dialogue with the States from the region also pertains to the promotion of the rights of members of Serb people in the regional States regarding the use of Serbian and Cyrillic alphabet, nurturing Serbian culture, national history and freedom-loving traditions, preservation of national geography, preservation and protection of Serbian political representation and association in the countries they live in. I hope that I have managed to provide more concrete information on some of the major challenges and achievements of our foreign policy and thank you for your attention. Thank you." |