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News Archive 2014. |
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17 November 2014 MINISTER DACIC AWARDED DIPLOMAS TO STUDENTS OF THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY 14 November 2014 STUDENTS OF THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY’S BRUSSELS CENTRE VISITED THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA On 14 November 2014, the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia organized a lecture for the students of the academic programme “European Union” of the American University’s Brussels Centre, who visited Belgrade within a study visit to the Western Balkan countries, led by Director Prof. Dr. Jerome Sheridan. After the welcoming remarks by Head of the Diplomatic Academy Mirjana Milosavljevic, Ambassador Jela Bacovic, Deputy Assistant Foreign Minister for the European Union, gave a lecture on the European integration process of the Republic of Serbia and its importance for the overall development of the country. In her presentation Ambassador J. Bacovic pointed to the “screening”, necessary reform steps and administrative preparedness of state institutions and civil society in order to successfully overcome the negotiation process and the opening of negotiating chapters on the road to full EU membership. Asked by students, she also spoke about the importance of economy, economic development and transition, free trade agreements, as well as the Serbian 2015 OSCE Chairmanship. During the visit, students had the opportunity to see the museum exhibition of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and better familiarize themselves with the documents testifying to the history of two centuries of Serbian diplomacy. 8 September 2014 September 2014 SEMINAR FOR DIPLOMATS AND CIVIL SERVANTS ON SERBIAN OSCE CHAIRMANSHIP (8 - 12 September) Within the preparations for Serbia's OSCE chairmanship, training of diplomats and other government officials was held at the Diplomatic Academy, in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the OSCE in Vienna and the Working Group for Serbian OSCE chairmanship in 2015, with financial assistance from the German Foreign Office and the OSCE. The training (from 8 to 12 September 2014) will be conducted by representatives of CORE Institute, University of Hamburg, specializing in the training of staff from countries chairing the OSCE, as well as by representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Read more 17 June 2014 FOREIGN MINISTERS IVICA DACIC AND IGOR LUKSIC SIGN THE AGREEMENT ON COOPERATION BETWEEN DIPLOMATIC ACADEMIES IN BELGRADE First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro Dr. Igor Luksic signed the Cooperation Agreement between the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro, during the Minister's official visit. The Cooperation Agreement will contribute to the enhancement and development of cooperation in the area of education and professional training of the diplomatic staff of the two friendly countries, as well as to the strengthening of relations between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro. 12 May 2014 FDPM AND MFA IVICA DACIC GIVES A LECTURE TO THE VIENNA DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY STUDENTS: "FOCUSES OF SERBIAN FOREIGN POLICY" Speaking about the foreign policy priorities of the current Government of the Republic of Serbia, Minister Dacic particularly highlighted the following activities to be pursued in the coming period: resumption of negotiations on EU membership, continuation of the dialogue with Pristina, good cooperation with key partners on the international scene, development of good-neighbourly relations, development of a modern, stable Serbia committed to the safeguarding of international peace and respect of international law, regional cooperation and diplomatic activity both on bilateral and multilateral levels. After the lecture, the Minister replied to student questions giving an account of the history of the Serbian people, consequences of world wars, circumstances that led to new political decisions and changes in these areas, as well as the importance of cooperation and peaceful co-existence of all people in Europe. 4 April 2014 STUDENTS OF THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, BRUSSELS CENTRE, VISIT SERBIAN MFA ![]() After the welcome address given by Aleksandra Kovac, Head of the Diplomatic Academy, students attended the lecture delivered by Ambassador Zoran Vujic, Head of the Department for EU Institutions. Ambassador Vujic talked about Serbia's European integration process, and its importance in the overall development of the country. The Ambassador pointed to the necessary reform steps and challenges that should be overcome on the path towards full membership, but also to the need to promote good-neighbourly relations and regional cooperation. Students were interested in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, relations between the Republic of Serbia and NATO, European integration of the countries in the region, and the effects of the world economic crisis on the country's internal affairs. 12 March 2014 STUDENTS STUDYING TOWARDS A MASTERS DEGREE AT THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES OF THE FREE UNIVERSITY OF BRUSSELS VISIT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY The Diplomatic Academy played host to a group of students pursuing their masters studies at the School of Social and Political Sciences of the Université libre du Bruxelles. The students are visiting Belgrade in the framework of a special project, having an intention to collect information and prepare for a student conference related to democratizing and Europeanizing Central and Eastern Europe, focusing particularly on two countries of the Western Balkans: Serbia and Croatia. In the context of their visit, a lecture was held on the European Path of the Republic of Serbia, and the students were invited to visit the Foreign Ministry Museum exhibition. Following the address by Aleksandra Kovac, Head of the Diplomatic Academy, the lecture was held by Ambassador Zoran Vujic, Director of the EU Institutions Department. Students had an opportunity to familiarize themselves with Serbia's activities concering European integration as its important strategic goal, the scope of activity and tasks of state institutions in the negotiation process, as well as other current issues including regional cooperation, economy, national minority status, etc. 6 March 2014 ARGENTINE AMBASSADOR H.E. RICARDO F. FERNÁNDEZ GIVES A LECTURE AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY The Ambassador of the Argentine Republic in Belgrade, H.E. Mr. Ricardo Fernando Fernández, gave a lecture titled "South America- Continent of the Future", organized within the Diplomatic Practice I Course intended for this year's attendants of the Basic Diplomatic Training Syllabus. After the introductory speech by Ms. Aleksandra Kovac, Head of the Diplomatic Academy, Ambassador Ricardo F. Fernández pointed to the long-standing tradition of bilateral relations existing between the two countries, which have lasted for 86 years now, and to the successful cooperation established between the Serbian MFA Diplomatic Academy and the Argentine MFA Instituto del Servicio Exterior de la Nación. Furthermore, the Ambassador talked about the bilateral and multilateral cooperation of South American countries over the past thirty years, which is being implemented through the political dialogue within the framework of regional organizations (Rio Group, Contadora Group, CALC, UNASUR, Mercosur, CELAC and other), and about the activities which resulted in negotiated solutions of contentious issues, promotion of peace, democracy, stability, respect of human rights, economic cooperation and prosperity in this region. Responding to the attendants' numerous questions, Ambassador R. F. Fernández pointed to the possibilities for the enhancement of overall, and particularly economic, cooperation between Serbia and Argentina, Argentine experience in overcoming the economic crisis, cooperation with neighbouring countries, local tradition and culture, and the ongoing process of political and social development in South America. 4 March 2014 LECTURE BY PROF. DR. MILORAD PUPOVAC, PRESIDENT OF THE SERB NATIONAL COUNCIL IN R. CROATIA AND A MEMBER OF THE CROATIAN PARLIAMENT, AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY In his opening address, Head of the Diplomatic Academy Aleksandra Kovac welcomed the guest and pointed out the importance of the lecture which forms part of the course "The Serbian people in the region" and is included in the Basic Diplomatic Training Programme in 2013/2014. Speaking on the topic "Serbs in the Republic of Croatia", Prof. Dr. Pupovac analyzed the position of the Serb national minority in Croatia through cultural, educational, media, economic, political, bilateral and international aspects. In addition to the Diplomatic Academy's trainees, the lecture was also attended by colleagues from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and representatives of the Office for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region. 13-14 February 2014 MEETING WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS АND EUROPEAN INTEGRATION OF MONTENEGRO ON DIPLOMATIC ACADEMIES COOPERATION ![]() During the two-day visit of the Montenegrin delegation, they exchanged experience with Acting Director of the Diplomatic Academy at the Montenegrin Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Satka Hajdarpasic regarding diplomatic education and Programme organization, as well as views on the scope and promotion of their future cooperation. The Montenegrin delegation also paid a courtesy call on Deputy Assistant Foreign Minister for Bilateral Relations, Ambassador Goran Petrovic. 13 February 2014 HEAD OF NEGOTIATING TEAM FOR ACCESSION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA TO THE EU, PROF. DR. TANJA MISCEVIC, GIVES A LECTURE AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY ![]() A lecture titled "Serbia on its path towards EU accession - negotiations" was organized as part of the "Introduction to the EU system and politics" course, falling under the Basic Syllabus of the diplomatic training of the 2013/2014 generation. The main elements of the accession process, key characteristics and stages of the negotiating process, core institutions and their role were explained on the occasion. The influence and responsibility of public administration, and the necessity of its adaptation, were underlined. By way of an introduction, those present were also addressed by the Head of the Diplomatic Academy, Minister-Counsellor Aleksandra Kovac, and Ambassador Nikola Lukic, coordinator of the "Introduction to the EU system and politics" course. Apart from the attendants of the Diplomatic Academy, coming from the MFA and other public sector institutions, the lecture was also attended by MFA State Secretary Dr. Snezana Jankovic, and the representatives of the MFA organizational units. |