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News Archive 2016 |
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22 December 2016
INTRODUCTORY LECTURE GIVEN TO THE NEW DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY CLASS First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dačić gave today an introductory lecture to the new class of students attending the Diplomatic Academy. Wishing the attendees successful training at the Diplomatic Academy, the Serbian Foreign Minister underlined that they would be able to learn about international relations, the position of the Republic of Serbia and the challenges existing on the international level, while the training would facilitate their work and enable better performance. The full text of the speech can be read here. 30 November 2016 OFFICIAL DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY DIPLOMA AWARD FOR 2015/2016 First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic opened today, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ceremony of Diplomatic Academy diploma awards for the completion of the Academy's 2015/2016 Basic Diplomatic Training Course. Addressing the audience, the Minister highlighted the foreign policy priorities and activities of the Republic of Serbia within the framework of international cooperation and on bilateral and multilateral levels, the importance of Serbia's six-monthly Chairmanship-in-Office of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation organization and the upcoming Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, to be held in Belgrade, on 13 December 2016. The full text of the speech can be read here. 14 November 2016 VISIT OF STUDENTS FROM AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN BRUSSELS TO THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Within their study visit to the Republic of Serbia, a group of students from the American University – Brussels Centre headed by Prof Jerome Sheridan, in the framework of traditional cooperation, visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. Ambassador Marina Jovicevic held a lecture on the Republic of Serbia's European path and the accession process, with special emphasis on the topics related to the opening of negotiating chapters and the analytical examination of the level of alignment with EU acquis, i.e., the screening process. Ambassador Branimir Filipovic gave a lecture on security challenges, Serbia's cooperation in the region as well as cooperation with other major stakeholders in the fields of defence and security. An appropriate lecture on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue was presented to the attendants by Mr Dusan Kozarov, Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. Following each session, the lecturers answered numerous students' questions. 23 June 2016 SIGNING OF THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON COOPERATION BETWEEN THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA AND THE KOREA NATIONAL DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Memorandum of Cooperation between the Diplomatic Academies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea was signed by Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the Republic of Korea Zoran Kazazovic and Chancellor of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy Yun Duk-Min, on 23 June, during the sixth round of bilateral political consultations held in Seoul on 22 June 2016. Signing of this document has created possibilities for the development of cooperation on diplomatic education and professional training as well as on the enhancement of programmes and exchange of trainees and lecturers. 17 June 2016 FIRST DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER AND MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS IVICA DACIC AND MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF PR CHINA WANG YI SIGNED A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE TWO DIPLOMATIC ACADEMIES First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Wang Yi, during an official visit by President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping to the Republic of Serbia, which took place from 17-19 June 2016, signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, the China Foreign Affairs University and the China Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. The Memorandum of Understanding will contribute to the promotion of cooperation with regard to education and training of the two friendly countries' diplomatic staffs as well as to the development of relations between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. 18 May 2016 SIGNING OF THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON COOPERATION BETWEEN THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA AND THE INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ALGERIA During an official visit by President of the Republic of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic to the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria which took place on 17-18 May 2016, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Democratic Republic Of Algeria. The document was signed by Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria Miroslav Sestovic and Ms Amina Mesdoua, Director General of the Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria. The goal of the Memorandum is to develop cooperation in diplomatic education and training, exchange of experiences, teaching methodologies applied at the diplomatic academies, as well as to enhance cooperation between the two countries' Foreign Ministries. 17 May 2016 SERIES OF LECTURES BY FOREIGN AMBASSADORS AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY – LECTURE BY EU AMBASSADOR, H.E. MICHAEL DAVENPORT Within the Basic Diplomatic Training Program for academic 2015/2016 and the course on "International Relations and Foreign Policy of the Republic of Serbia" for the attendants of the Diplomatic Academy, EU Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia H.E. Michael Davenport held a lecture titled "The European Union and the Republic of Serbia". Ambassador spoke about the relations between R. Serbia and the European Union and the steps having been taken in the accession process, as well as about the importance of the EU as a participant in international relations. The attendants asked questions concerning the challenges the EU had been facing, the migrant crisis in particular, as well as the incoming referendum on leaving the EU to be held in the United Kingdom. 11 May 2016 LECTURES FOR STUDENTS OF CLEMSON UNIVERSITY HELD AT THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Within their study visit to the Republic of Serbia, a group of students from South Carolina's (U.S.) Clemson University visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In line with years-long cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and this University, the students attended lectures on current topics related to the foreign policy of R. Serbia. In this context, Acting Assistant Foreign Minister for bilateral cooperation Ambassador Goran Aleksic spoke about the bilateral relations between the Republic of Serbia and the United States of America. Ambassador Ljiljana Milojevic Borovcanin gave a lecture on the Republic of Serbia's relations with both neighbouring countries and countries of the region, while Deputy Assistant Foreign Minister for the EU Dejan Ralevic informed students about the course and the dynamics of Serbia's European integration process. 09. May 2016 MINISTER DACIC GIVES A LECTURE TO STUDENTS OF THE VIENNA DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic delivered a lecture today to students of the Vienna Diplomatic Academy, who are in the Republic of Serbia within their study visit to Balkan countries. Speaking of the major foreign policy priorities of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Minister Dacic particularly emphasized: opening of accession negotiations and negotiating chapters for European Union membership, last year's OSCE Chairmanship of the Republic of Serbia, cooperation with key partners in international relations, development of good neighbourly relations and preservation of stability in the region, dialogue with Pristina, building a modern Serbia committed to the preservation of peace and respect for international law. After the lecture, the Serbian Foreign Minister answered the students' questions, underlining Serbia's specific position and role on the international scene, as well as the significance of its diplomatic activities at the current political juncture. This visit of Vienna Diplomatic Academy students to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is traditionally organised within the cooperation between the Diplomatic Academy of the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Vienna Diplomatic Academy. 13 April 2016 SERIES OF LECTURES BY FOREIGN AMBASSADORS AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY – LECTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA'S AMBASSADOR, H.E. NARINDER CHAUHAN Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Shrimati Narinder Chauhan, held a lecture titled "India and Serbia-India Relations" within the course "International Relations and Foreign Policy of the Republic of Serbia" of the Basic Diplomatic Training Programme in 2015̸2016 to the attendees of the Diplomatic Academy and interested diplomats. After a promotional film about India's history and culture, Ambassador Chauhan spoke about religious, linguistic and ethnic pluralism of this globally extremely relevant country. She presented the development of India's industrial and economic potential and comprehensive principles of India's foreign policy, pointing out that it is cooperation-oriented, particularly within the G20, BRICS, participation in relevant international organisations and trade with the European Union. She paid special attention to the development of relations between India and Serbia, emphasising India's traditional openness to our country, along with the existing possibilities for the development of economic cooperation, particularly in the field of technology. Answering the participants' numerous questions, she highlighted the importance of great possibilities in the form of positive effects of additional political, economic and cultural advertising, i.e. creating a Serbian national brand in India, with the aim of exchanging experiences and enriching all aspects of bilateral cooperation. 6 April 2016 LECTURE OF THE AMBASSADOR OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, H. E. ALEKSANDAR CHEPURIN, AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia, H.E. Mr. Aleksandar Chepurin, delivered a lecture to the trainees of the Diplomatic Academy on "Relations between the Republic of Serbia and the Russian Federation and More Recent History of Russia". This has been one in a series of lectures given by the Ambassadors accredited to Serbia, which are organized within the Basic Diplomatic Training Program for 2015/2016 – course "International Relations and Foreign Policy of the Republic of Serbia". After the welcoming address by the Head of the Diplomatic Academy, Ms. Mirjana Milosavljevic, Ambassador Chepurin talked about the important events from the recent history of international relations which had a crucial impact on shaping the Russian Federation's current foreign policy position. Referring to the geopolitical, economic and security aspects of contemporary international relations, Ambassador Chepurin put special emphasis on the relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia. At the same time, the Ambassador underscored the importance of dialogue and cooperation between major international factors in political developments today, as well as the necessity of solving problems by peaceful means. The questions of listeners were directed at more concrete ways of improving bilateral cooperation, and at Russia's role in current events in the international political arena. 6 April 2016 VISIT OF STUDENTS FROM AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN BRUSSELS TO THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS A group of students from the American University – Brussels Centre visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs this year as well, in accordance with the successful twelve-year cooperation between the Diplomatic Academy and the Department of this University in Brussels, headed by Prof Jerome Sheridan. On this occasion, two appropriate lectures were held for the students: “The Road to Accession of the Republic of Serbia and Political Dialogue with the European Union”, and “Security Policy of the Republic of Serbia”. Within the first lecture, Deputy Assistant Minister for the European Union Dejan Ralevic presented the chronology of the road to European integration of the Republic of Serbia, with special emphasis on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and its implementation, intergovernmental conferences between the European Union and the Republic of Serbia, and the negotiating process and chapters which are the precondition for accession to this family of nations. The Assistant Foreign Minister for Security Policy, Ambassador Branimir Filipovic, introduced the students to the foreign and security policy of the Republic of Serbia, and to international cooperation in this area. He presented the goals of Serbia’s security policy in the context of current international affairs, indicating the challenges Serbia is faced with today. In the framework of cooperation between the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Director Marko Djuric delivered a lecture to the students during which he talked about the history and the course of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. 18 March 2016 MINISTER DACIC RECEIVES A GROUP OF STUDENTS FROM THE YALE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic received today a group of students from the Yale School of Management (US), who, within their studytour of the region, are visiting Serbia from 15 to 20 March. On this occasion, Minister Dacic greeted thestudents from the Yale School of Management, thanked them for their interest in our country, as well as for their wish to learn firsthandmore about Serbia and its potential. At the same time, he introduced the students to the most important foreign policy priorities of Serbia, to its place and role in the region of the Western Balkans. Assistant Foreign Minister for the European Union, Dr Marina Jovicevic held a lecture themed: "Serbia on its way to the EU", emphasizing that the Government of the Republic of Serbia had set European integration as one of itsmajor foreign policy goals. She pointed out that the entire process of creating and promoting contractual relations with the European Union added up to fulfilling political and other conditions for a smooth EU-accession process, including the creation and promotion of regional cooperation between the countries of the Western Balkans. The first study visit of master's degree students at the Yale School of Management was realised by the Diplomatic Academy, on the initiative from Dr Ivana Katic, a Professor at this prestigious School, and the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia. Within theiritinerary, a meeting with Serbian Minister of Finance Prof Dr DusanVujovicwas organised, as well as a visit to different industrial companies and private firms in Serbia.22 December 2016 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE GIVEN TO THE NEW DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY CLASS First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dačić gave today an introductory lecture to the new class of students attending the Diplomatic Academy. Wishing the attendees successful training at the Diplomatic Academy, the Serbian Foreign Minister underlined that they would be able to learn about international relations, the position of the Republic of Serbia and the challenges existing on the international level, while the training would facilitate their work and enable better performance. The full text of the speech can be read here. 30 November 2016 OFFICIAL DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY DIPLOMA AWARD FOR 2015/2016 First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic opened today, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ceremony of Diplomatic Academy diploma awards for the completion of the Academy's 2015/2016 Basic Diplomatic Training Course. Addressing the audience, the Minister highlighted the foreign policy priorities and activities of the Republic of Serbia within the framework of international cooperation and on bilateral and multilateral levels, the importance of Serbia's six-monthly Chairmanship-in-Office of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation organization and the upcoming Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, to be held in Belgrade, on 13 December 2016. The full text of the speech can be read here. 14 November 2016 VISIT OF STUDENTS FROM AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN BRUSSELS TO THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Within their study visit to the Republic of Serbia, a group of students from the American University – Brussels Centre headed by Prof Jerome Sheridan, in the framework of traditional cooperation, visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. Ambassador Marina Jovicevic held a lecture on the Republic of Serbia's European path and the accession process, with special emphasis on the topics related to the opening of negotiating chapters and the analytical examination of the level of alignment with EU acquis, i.e., the screening process. Ambassador Branimir Filipovic gave a lecture on security challenges, Serbia's cooperation in the region as well as cooperation with other major stakeholders in the fields of defence and security. An appropriate lecture on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue was presented to the attendants by Mr Dusan Kozarov, Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. Following each session, the lecturers answered numerous students' questions. 23 June 2016 SIGNING OF THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON COOPERATION BETWEEN THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA AND THE KOREA NATIONAL DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Memorandum of Cooperation between the Diplomatic Academies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea was signed by Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the Republic of Korea Zoran Kazazovic and Chancellor of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy Yun Duk-Min, on 23 June, during the sixth round of bilateral political consultations held in Seoul on 22 June 2016. Signing of this document has created possibilities for the development of cooperation on diplomatic education and professional training as well as on the enhancement of programmes and exchange of trainees and lecturers. 17 June 2016 FIRST DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER AND MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS IVICA DACIC AND MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF PR CHINA WANG YI SIGNED A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE TWO DIPLOMATIC ACADEMIES First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Wang Yi, during an official visit by President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping to the Republic of Serbia, which took place from 17-19 June 2016, signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, the China Foreign Affairs University and the China Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. The Memorandum of Understanding will contribute to the promotion of cooperation with regard to education and training of the two friendly countries' diplomatic staffs as well as to the development of relations between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. 18 May 2016 SIGNING OF THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON COOPERATION BETWEEN THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA AND THE INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ALGERIA During an official visit by President of the Republic of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic to the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria which took place on 17-18 May 2016, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Democratic Republic Of Algeria. The document was signed by Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria Miroslav Sestovic and Ms Amina Mesdoua, Director General of the Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria. The goal of the Memorandum is to develop cooperation in diplomatic education and training, exchange of experiences, teaching methodologies applied at the diplomatic academies, as well as to enhance cooperation between the two countries' Foreign Ministries. 17 May 2016 SERIES OF LECTURES BY FOREIGN AMBASSADORS AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY – LECTURE BY EU AMBASSADOR, H.E. MICHAEL DAVENPORT Within the Basic Diplomatic Training Program for academic 2015/2016 and the course on "International Relations and Foreign Policy of the Republic of Serbia" for the attendants of the Diplomatic Academy, EU Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia H.E. Michael Davenport held a lecture titled "The European Union and the Republic of Serbia". Ambassador spoke about the relations between R. Serbia and the European Union and the steps having been taken in the accession process, as well as about the importance of the EU as a participant in international relations. The attendants asked questions concerning the challenges the EU had been facing, the migrant crisis in particular, as well as the incoming referendum on leaving the EU to be held in the United Kingdom. 11 May 2016 LECTURES FOR STUDENTS OF CLEMSON UNIVERSITY HELD AT THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Within their study visit to the Republic of Serbia, a group of students from South Carolina's (U.S.) Clemson University visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In line with years-long cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and this University, the students attended lectures on current topics related to the foreign policy of R. Serbia. In this context, Acting Assistant Foreign Minister for bilateral cooperation Ambassador Goran Aleksic spoke about the bilateral relations between the Republic of Serbia and the United States of America. Ambassador Ljiljana Milojevic Borovcanin gave a lecture on the Republic of Serbia's relations with both neighbouring countries and countries of the region, while Deputy Assistant Foreign Minister for the EU Dejan Ralevic informed students about the course and the dynamics of Serbia's European integration process. 09. May 2016 MINISTER DACIC GIVES A LECTURE TO STUDENTS OF THE VIENNA DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic delivered a lecture today to students of the Vienna Diplomatic Academy, who are in the Republic of Serbia within their study visit to Balkan countries. Speaking of the major foreign policy priorities of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Minister Dacic particularly emphasized: opening of accession negotiations and negotiating chapters for European Union membership, last year's OSCE Chairmanship of the Republic of Serbia, cooperation with key partners in international relations, development of good neighbourly relations and preservation of stability in the region, dialogue with Pristina, building a modern Serbia committed to the preservation of peace and respect for international law. After the lecture, the Serbian Foreign Minister answered the students' questions, underlining Serbia's specific position and role on the international scene, as well as the significance of its diplomatic activities at the current political juncture. This visit of Vienna Diplomatic Academy students to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is traditionally organised within the cooperation between the Diplomatic Academy of the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Vienna Diplomatic Academy. 13 April 2016 SERIES OF LECTURES BY FOREIGN AMBASSADORS AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY – LECTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA'S AMBASSADOR, H.E. NARINDER CHAUHAN Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Shrimati Narinder Chauhan, held a lecture titled "India and Serbia-India Relations" within the course "International Relations and Foreign Policy of the Republic of Serbia" of the Basic Diplomatic Training Programme in 2015̸2016 to the attendees of the Diplomatic Academy and interested diplomats. After a promotional film about India's history and culture, Ambassador Chauhan spoke about religious, linguistic and ethnic pluralism of this globally extremely relevant country. She presented the development of India's industrial and economic potential and comprehensive principles of India's foreign policy, pointing out that it is cooperation-oriented, particularly within the G20, BRICS, participation in relevant international organisations and trade with the European Union. She paid special attention to the development of relations between India and Serbia, emphasising India's traditional openness to our country, along with the existing possibilities for the development of economic cooperation, particularly in the field of technology. Answering the participants' numerous questions, she highlighted the importance of great possibilities in the form of positive effects of additional political, economic and cultural advertising, i.e. creating a Serbian national brand in India, with the aim of exchanging experiences and enriching all aspects of bilateral cooperation. 6 April 2016 LECTURE OF THE AMBASSADOR OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, H. E. ALEKSANDAR CHEPURIN, AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia, H.E. Mr. Aleksandar Chepurin, delivered a lecture to the trainees of the Diplomatic Academy on "Relations between the Republic of Serbia and the Russian Federation and More Recent History of Russia". This has been one in a series of lectures given by the Ambassadors accredited to Serbia, which are organized within the Basic Diplomatic Training Program for 2015/2016 – course "International Relations and Foreign Policy of the Republic of Serbia". After the welcoming address by the Head of the Diplomatic Academy, Ms. Mirjana Milosavljevic, Ambassador Chepurin talked about the important events from the recent history of international relations which had a crucial impact on shaping the Russian Federation's current foreign policy position. Referring to the geopolitical, economic and security aspects of contemporary international relations, Ambassador Chepurin put special emphasis on the relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia. At the same time, the Ambassador underscored the importance of dialogue and cooperation between major international factors in political developments today, as well as the necessity of solving problems by peaceful means. The questions of listeners were directed at more concrete ways of improving bilateral cooperation, and at Russia's role in current events in the international political arena. 6 April 2016 VISIT OF STUDENTS FROM AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN BRUSSELS TO THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS A group of students from the American University – Brussels Centre visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs this year as well, in accordance with the successful twelve-year cooperation between the Diplomatic Academy and the Department of this University in Brussels, headed by Prof Jerome Sheridan. On this occasion, two appropriate lectures were held for the students: “The Road to Accession of the Republic of Serbia and Political Dialogue with the European Union”, and “Security Policy of the Republic of Serbia”. Within the first lecture, Deputy Assistant Minister for the European Union Dejan Ralevic presented the chronology of the road to European integration of the Republic of Serbia, with special emphasis on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and its implementation, intergovernmental conferences between the European Union and the Republic of Serbia, and the negotiating process and chapters which are the precondition for accession to this family of nations. The Assistant Foreign Minister for Security Policy, Ambassador Branimir Filipovic, introduced the students to the foreign and security policy of the Republic of Serbia, and to international cooperation in this area. He presented the goals of Serbia’s security policy in the context of current international affairs, indicating the challenges Serbia is faced with today. In the framework of cooperation between the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Director Marko Djuric delivered a lecture to the students during which he talked about the history and the course of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. 18 March 2016 MINISTER DACIC RECEIVES A GROUP OF STUDENTS FROM THE YALE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic received today a group of students from the Yale School of Management (US), who, within their studytour of the region, are visiting Serbia from 15 to 20 March. On this occasion, Minister Dacic greeted thestudents from the Yale School of Management, thanked them for their interest in our country, as well as for their wish to learn firsthandmore about Serbia and its potential. At the same time, he introduced the students to the most important foreign policy priorities of Serbia, to its place and role in the region of the Western Balkans. Assistant Foreign Minister for the European Union, Dr Marina Jovicevic held a lecture themed: "Serbia on its way to the EU", emphasizing that the Government of the Republic of Serbia had set European integration as one of itsmajor foreign policy goals. She pointed out that the entire process of creating and promoting contractual relations with the European Union added up to fulfilling political and other conditions for a smooth EU-accession process, including the creation and promotion of regional cooperation between the countries of the Western Balkans. The first study visit of master's degree students at the Yale School of Management was realised by the Diplomatic Academy, on the initiative from Dr Ivana Katic, a Professor at this prestigious School, and the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia. Within theiritinerary, a meeting with Serbian Minister of Finance Prof Dr DusanVujovicwas organised, as well as a visit to different industrial companies and private firms in Serbia. |