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News Archive 2015 |
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13 November 2015
LECTURES FOR STUDENTS ATTENDING AMERICAN UNIVERSITY'S BRUSSELS CENTER HELD AT SERBIAN MFA A group of students and professors from the American University's Brussels Center, headed by Professor J. Sheridan, visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia this year as well, in line with the traditionally good and successful cooperation with the MFA Diplomatic Academy. Following the introductory remarks made by the Head of the MFA Diplomatic Academy, Ms. Mirjana Milosavljevic, Ambassador Jela Bacovic and Acting Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Branimir Filipovic held their lectures. Ambassador J. Bacovic outlined in her lecture Serbia's accession path to the European Union since 2000 up to date, pointing to the importance of the agreements signed with the EU, future accession negotiations and regional cooperation. Ambassador B. Filipovic spoke about the foreign and security policy of the Republic of Serbia, its political dialogue with the EU, NATO and other international military and security organizations, maintained on the grounds of the constitutional and legal system. Furthermore, Ambassador Filipovic acquainted the students with bilateral and regional cooperation in this area, and with the contemporary security challenges, threats and risks around the globe. Following the visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the students visited the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, where Director Marko Djuric gave a very substantive lecture, with particular reference to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, conducted under the auspices of the EU. 3 August 2015 A LECTURE FOR STUDENTS OF NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY (BOSTON, USA) HELD AT THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS As а leg of their study tour of the Republic of Serbia, a group of students attending Northeastern University in Boston (USA) visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on 3 August 2015. Following the welcome remarks by Ms. Mirjana Milosavljevic, Head of the Diplomatic Academy, Dr. Marina Jovicevic, Acting Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for the European Union, presented an overview of the Republic of Serbia's international activities within its preparations for the negotiating process and the opening of the first key chapters, as well as of the forthcoming obligations on its path towards full EU membership. 11 May 2015 MINISTER DACIC GIVES A LECTURE TITLED FOCUS OF SERBIAN FOREIGN POLICY TO VIENNA DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY STUDENTS First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic gave a lecture today titled Focus of Serbian Foreign Policy for students of the Vienna Diplomatic Academy, who are currently staying in Serbia within their study visit to the Balkan countries. Speaking about the chief foreign policy priorities of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Minister Dacic particularly highlighted the opening of accession negotiations and membership of the European Union, current Serbian OSCE Chairmanship, cooperation with the key partners in international relations, development of good-neighbourly relations and preservation of regional stability, dialogue with Pristina, building modern Serbia committed to maintenance of peace and upholding international law. After the lecture, Serbian Foreign Minister answered student questions, pointing to Serbia's specific place and role in the international arena, and to the importance of diplomatic efforts at the present political moment. The visit made by the Vienna Diplomatic Academy students to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is traditionally organized in the framework of the cooperation maintained between the Serbian MFA Diplomatic Academy and the Vienna Diplomatic Academy. 7 May 2015 HEAD OF THE OSCE MISSION TO SERBIA H. E. MR. PETER BURKHARD HELD A LECTURE TITLED "IMPORTANCE OF AN OSCE MISSION IN THE FIELD" FOR THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY ATTENDANTS Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Ambassador Peter Burkhard held a lecture titled "Importance of an OSCE mission in the field" for the Diplomatic Academy attendants, on the occasion of Serbian OSCE Chairmanship, and within the basic training programme called "Diplomatic Practice II", syllabus centered around topics and issues pertaining to international organizations. Following the introductory remarks delivered by Ms. Mirjana Milosavljevic, Head of the Diplomatic Academy, Ambassador Peter Burkhard elaborated on the role and the importance of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in the world, pointing to a range of different tasks that stem from the specific problems facing the countries where the OSCE conducts its operations. In an overview of the role and the importance of the OSCE Mission to the Republic of Serbia, Ambassador Peter Burkhard pointed to the aims of the mandate envisaging that the Mission should provide assistance and guidance regarding the strengthening of independent and efficient democratic institutions, particularly in areas of the rule of law, human rights, the media, police reform, and law enforcement. 4 May 2015 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS FROM ISRAEL MEET YOUNG DIPLOMATS FROM SERBIAN MFA A group of Israeli high school students attending Young Ambassadors School of Israel visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, on 4 May 2015. The students met on the occasion the young Serbian diplomats who were assigned to Israel and with direct responsibility for topics related to the Middle East and bilateral relations between the Republic of Serbia and the countries of the Middle East region. Ms. Milica Vujovic, Advisor in the European Union Sector, gave a short presentation on history, culture and tourist potentials of the Republic of Serbia, and Mr. Zeljko Gajic, Minister-Counsellor and Mr. Aleksandar Markovic, Third Secretary at the Serbian MFA Africa and Middle East Department, talked about Serbia's foreign policy priorities and current relations between the Republic of Serbia and Israel. 7 April 2015 STUDENTS OF THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY'S BRUSSELS CENTER VISIT SERBIAN MFA The Diplomatic Academy organized a lecture for students attending the American University's Brussels Center, the European Union academic module, on 6 April 2015. The students stayed in Belgrade within their study visit to the Western Balkans. Acting Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for the European Union, Dr. Marina Jovicevic gave a lecture to them on current foreign policy issues of the Republic of Serbia, European integration process, and the coming steps in accession negotiations. In the course of her presentation, Dr. Marina Jovicevic also dedicated attention to regional cooperation, familiarizing students with Serbia's participation in South-East Europe regional initiatives (SEECP, CEI, RCC, Western Balkans' Six, the Berlin Process) and with the efforts Serbia has made towards the strengthening of bilateral cooperation with the neighbors in the region. In the concluding part Dr. Jovicevic answered numerous students' questions concerning the opening of the most important negotiating chapters, level of harmonization between the Serbian legislation and the EU acquis, relations with NATO, cooperation and relations with the neighboring countries and major powers, about the importance and goals of the Serbian OSCE Chairmanship. During their visit, students had the opportunity to tour the permanent Museum exhibition of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and acquaint themselves better with the history of Serbian diplomacy of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 12 March 2015 RELEVANCE OF THE UN SYSTEM FOR SERBIA – LECTURE OF MS. IRENA VOJACKOVA SOLLORANO, UN RESIDENT COORDINATOR AND UNDP RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE IN SERBIA At the invitation of the Diplomatic Academy, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations and Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme in Serbia (UNDP) Ms. Irena Vojáčková Sollorano held a lecture "Relevance of the UN System for Serbia" within the "Diplomatic Practice I" course focusing on topics and issues of multilateral diplomacy, international organizations and organizing of multilateral conferences. Briefly introducing the guest, Acting Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Multilateral Cooperation, Ambassador Mira Nikolic, stressed the role and personal dedication of Ms. I.V. Sorollano in providing UN humanitarian aid the during the 2014 floods. In a lecture divided into seven key points, I.V. Sorollano explained the presence of the UN system in Serbia, presented its goals and support to the social development of our country through the implementation of conventions and adopted standards and through various consulting mechanisms, programs and aid in different areas of ongoing cooperation. She talked about the five-year UNDAF plan signed with the Government of the Republic of Serbia, global UN agenda in the next 15 years, and also about the forthcoming international conferences to tackle the issues of natural disasters, sustainable development and climate change with an aim of enacting new prevention measures and standards. 9 March 2015 LECTURE OF AMBASSADOR OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA H.E. MICHAEL KIRBY AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY Continuing the series of lectures by foreign Ambassadors, the Diplomatic Academy hosted H.E. Michael Kirby, Ambassador of the United States to Serbia. On this occasion, Ambassador Kirby gave a lecture "Relations between the Republic of Serbia and the United States and the American Approach to the Western Balkans" to the attendants of the Diplomatic Academy and the diplomats from the Ministry interested in the topic. The lecture was organized within the course "International Relations and Foreign Policy", a part of the Basic Diplomatic Training Syllabus 2014/2015. In the introductory part of the lecture Ambassador Kirby referred to the history of alliance between Serbia and the Unites States in the First and Second World Wars, varying trends in the relations during past two decades, with an emphasis on the ascending line in various areas of the current cooperation. The Ambassador pointed to the importance of economic aspects, especially the potential in developing the intellectual services sector in Serbia rooted in the education of youth, but also the support of the United States to Serbia's EU accession process. The lecture was followed by numerous student questions about the global issue of terrorism, cooperation between Serbia and the United States in the areas of security, culture, and others, to which Ambassador Kirby responded and offered the young diplomats useful advice on the work in the diplomatic service. 3 March 2015 LECTURE OF AMBASSADOR OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION H.E. ALEKSANDAR CHEPURIN AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia, H.E. Aleksandar Chepurin gave a lecture to the students of the Diplomatic Academy and the diplomats from the Ministry who showed particular interest in the topic "Relations between the Republic of Serbia and the Russian Federation and the Recent History of Russia". The lecture was arranged within the course "International Relations and Foreign Policy of the Republic of Serbia", a part of the Basic Diplomatic Training Syllabus 2014/2015. After the welcoming remarks by Head of the Diplomatic Academy Mirjana Milosavljevic, Ambassador Chepurin first introduced the concept of Russian diplomatic education and underlined the importance of cooperation between the Diplomatic Academies of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia. As the lecture continued, students of the Academy were able to hear about the defining moments and tendencies from the Soviet period, and also the political and economic transition within the Russian Federation. In addition, Ambassador Chepurin talked about geopolitics, international security and economy, Russian initiatives in that regard and the importance of acknowledging interests of all participants in global politics. The part of the lecture on bilateral relations between Russia and Serbia particularly focused on the similarities and differences in the processes of social change and economic development, as well as the prospects of enhancing economic cooperation. 25-26 February 2015 MEETING OF REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE SERBIAN FOREIGN MINISTRY'S DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY AND THE NATIONAL FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND WORSHIP OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC At the invitation of the Diplomatic Academy of the Serbian Foreign Ministry, Ambassador Juan Carlos Valle Raleigh, Director of the National Foreign Service Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of the Argentine Republic, visited Belgrade on 25-26 February. During the working visit, meetings and talks were arranged with the State Secretary, Ambassador Roksanda Nincic, Head of the Department for North and South America Ambassador Danilo Pantovic and Head of the Diplomatic Academy Mirjana Milosavljevic. Readiness for promotion of cooperation between the two countries was emphasized during the talks, and experiences exchanged regarding diplomatic education and programme organization, as well as views on the promotion of future cooperation on the basis of bilateral agreement. Ambassador Juan Carlos Valle Raleigh gave a lecture at the Diplomatic Academy to the students of its Core Programme of diplomatic-consular training, students of the Faculty of Political Science and the Ministry's employees, on the topic "Multilateral Aspects of Argentinean Foreign Policy". 23 February 2015 AMBASSADOR OF THE REPUBLIC OF ITALY H.E. GIUSEPPE MANZO GIVES A LECTURE AT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Belgrade, H.E. Giuseppe Manzo gave a lecture titled "Branding a country – a job for a diplomat", organized within the course "International Relations and Foreign Policy" intended for attendants of the Basic Diplomatic Training Syllabus 2014/2015. After the introductory speech by Head of the Diplomatic Academy Mirjana Milosavljevic, Ambassador Giuseppe Manzo pointed to the significance and role of diplomats in public diplomacy, e-diplomacy, and to application of new technologies and social networks, today increasingly used with the aim of promoting national values and an image of a country through various areas: politics, foreign policy, culture, economy, technological advances, etc. Responding to many questions posed by the attendants, Ambassador G. Manzo talked about bilateral cooperation and the long-standing connections between the two countries, the activities and support Italy gives to Serbia in the European integration process, foreign exchange and partnership with the Republic of Serbia. 20 January 2015 MEETING OF REPRESENTATIVES OF DIPLOMATIC ACADEMIES OF MINISTRIES OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Secretary General of the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Veljko Odalovic and Mirjana Milosavljevic, Head of the Diplomatic Academy, received Prof. Dr. Tatiana Zakaurtseva, First Vice-Rector of the Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation, who was on a working visit to Belgrade. Experiences related to diplomatic training and curriculum organization were shared in the meeting, and also opinions on the promotion and development of future cooperation, to be carried out under the Cooperation Agreement between the two Diplomatic Academies, signed during the meeting of the two Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Moscow, on 19 December 2014. |