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9 January 2011
"EXPERIENCES OF GREECE WITH EU INTEGRATION", LECTURE BY AMBASSADOR LEONIDAS ROKANAS Ambassador Leonidas Rokanas, Director of EU External Relations within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic, gave a lecture to the Diplomatic Academy's attendants on the experiences of Greece with the EU integration process and took their questions. 20 January 2011 STUDENT ORGANIZATION "UN CLUB" OF THE FACULTY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE VISITS THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Fifty students - members of the "UN Club", a student organization of the Faculty of Political Science, visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On this occasion, the Diplomatic Academy organized a lecture on foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Serbia, held by Ambassador Sladjana Prica, Deputy Assistant Minister for Multilateral Activities. 10-11 February 2011 "EUROPEAN POLITICAL SYSTEM AND EUROPEAN HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION SYSTEM" SEMINAR A Seminar "The European Political System and European Human Rights Protection System" was held within the framework of a series of seminars entitled "European Integration Perspectives", which the Diplomatic Academy co-hosted with the Vienna Academy of Diplomacy. Lectures and simulation exercises were held by Prof. Dr. Hannes Tretter from the Ludwig-Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights. The Seminar covered European institutions and the EU political system, European system of human rights protection throughout the EU, Council of Europe and the OSCE. 20 February 2011 WORKING VISIT OF PROF. DR. RADU CARP, DIRECTOR GENERAL OF THE ROMANIAN DIPLOMATIC INSTITUTE Prof. Dr. Radu Carp visited the Diplomatic Academy regarding working consultations, which were conducted on the promotion of cooperation between the Diplomatic Academy and the Romanian Diplomatic Institute (RDI). This was the first working visit of the RDI's Director General to our Academy since its founding. During the one-day working visit representatives of the Diplomatic Academy and the RDI, Ambassador Bozin Nikolic and Prof. Dr. Radu Carp discussed the past as well as the possibility of a future cooperation under the Cooperation Agreement signed on 25 May 2007 in Timisoara. Following the working consultations, Prof. Dr. Radu Carp was received by the Secretary General, Ambassador Vladimir Curgus and Head of the Multilateral Economic Cooperation Section, Nikola Ratkovic, who extended their support to the cooperation between the two diplomatic academies in their welcoming addresses. On that occasion, Ambassador Vladimir Curgus especially pointed out the need for professional education of diplomats in line with present-day changes and trends in diplomacy. He particularly underscored the importance attached by the Ministry to the activities of professional education and training carried out by the Diplomatic Academy and expressed an expectation that the cooperation between academies, especially after this working visit, would be further promoted in the field of programme and lecturers' exchange, professional training of young diplomats as well as organizing joint seminars. 25 February 2011 LECTURE "EXPERIENCES OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA REGARDING THE PARTNERSHIP FOR PEACE PROGRAMME" During his working visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Branimir Mandic, Assistant Foreign Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina responsible for multilateral activities, held a lecture "Experiences of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the Partnership for Peace Programme" for the attendants of the Diplomatic Academy and took many questions from them. 7 March 2011 YOUTH NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION "GENERATION 21" VISITS THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS In the framework of the ninth generation of the informal education program "Applied Diplomacy", the graduating students of the Faculty of Political Science and Faculty of Law and members of the youth non-governmental organization "Generation 21" visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Diplomatic Academy organized a lecture held by Ambassador Sladjana Prica, Deputy Assistant Minister for Multilateral Affairs. She spoke of foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Serbia, responsibilities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, functions performed by the diplomatic missions and specifics of the diplomatic profession. 8 April 2011 "THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN EGYPT AND THE MIDDLE EAST" Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Ambassador Ahmed Fathallah briefed on the foreign policy and political changes in Egypt and the Middle East region, and on other foreign policy regional and international issues of common interest, during his working visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The visit was organized by the Diplomatic Academy. 21 April 2011 LECTURE "HISTORY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS" Dr. Margaret MacMillan, professor of political history and author of "Peacemakers: Six Months that Changed the World" delivered a lecture to attendants of the Diplomatic Academy and employees of the Ministry on the importance of history and study of archival records in interpreting the trends in modern international relations. She focused attention on the Paris Peace Conference, which marked the European and global policy of the 20th century. 15-17 May 2011 ATTENDANTS OF THE VIENNA ACADEMY OF DIPLOMACY AND THE CLEMSON UNIVERSITY VISITED THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Attendants of the Vienna Academy of Diplomacy and the Clemson University visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. On this occasion, the Diplomatic Academy organized lectures: Zoran Vujic, Assistant Minister for Security Policy spoke of the focal points of Serbia's foreign policy, Ambassador Mirko Stefanovic of the priorities of the Republic of Serbia in regional cooperation, Euro-Atlantic integration processes and Ambassador Danilo Vucetic of cooperation with neighbouring countries. 20 May 2011 LECTURE "NON-ALIGNMENT YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW" On the occasion of the Ministerial Meeting and marking of the 50th anniversary of the First Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries in Belgrade in 1961 (5-6 September 2011), Budimir Loncar, a career diplomat and participant of numerous international gatherings and conferences within the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries between 1988 and 1991, spoke of the Movement, from the idea to create it to shaping joint non-aligned policy, throughout the 50-year period until today. 24 June 2011 LECTURE ON ROMANIAN SECURITY POLICY Iulian Fota, Advisor to the Romanian President, held a lecture for attendants of the Diplomatic Academy on the current security policy of Romania, during his working visit to Belgrade and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. On that occasion, he underlined, inter alia, that Romania's joining NATO significantly contributed to the integration of Romania into the EU. 28 June 2011 "EUROPE 2030" – YOUNG DIPLOMATS ON THE FUTURE OF EUROPE The Diplomatic Academy organized a seminar "Europe 2030" in cooperation with the Royal Netherlands Embassy. The seminar was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Young diplomats from EU member countries and representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia talked about the future of Europe and the EU in an open debate with senior diplomats from the Ministry. 19-20 September 2011 SEMINAR "EUROPEAN NEGOTIATING SKILLS" Seminar "European Negotiating Skills" was held within the framework of a series of seminars entitled "European Integration Perspectives", which the Diplomatic Academy organized in cooperation with the Vienna Academy of Diplomacy. Lectures and simulation exercises were held by Mr. Rob Boudewijn from the Netherlands. The Seminar was devoted to negotiation in the EU and its effects on EU processes with a special simulation exercise of decision-making in working groups and working bodies of the Council. 4-5 October 2011 SEMINAR "EFFECTIVE PUBLIC DIPLOMACY" Seminar "Effective Public Diplomacy" was organized in the framework of a series of seminars entitled "European Integration Perspectives ", which the Diplomatic Academy organizes in cooperation with the Vienna Academy of Diplomacy. The seminar was devoted to the EU public diplomacy, communication and rhetoric, presentation techniques (interviews and press conferences). Lectures and simulation exercises for diplomats and civil servants were held by Dr. Gerlinde Manz-Christ, a diplomat and public diplomacy expert. 20 October 2011 DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY "KOCA POPOVIC" OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND EURO-MEDITERRANEAN UNIVERSITY (EMUNI) SIGN MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Representatives of the Diplomatic Academy "Koca Popovic" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI), Ambassador Bozin Nikolic and Prof. Joseph Mifsud, President of EMUNI, signed a Memorandum of Understanding which will serve as a basis for the promotion of cooperation in the field of education, organizing joint seminars, exchange of lecturers and assistance in the professional training and education of diplomats. 16-17 November 2011 SEMINAR ON CULTURAL DIPLOMACY – "ART OF DIFFERENCE – MODERN CULTURAL DIPLOMACY" Seminar on modern cultural diplomacy entitled "Art of Difference – Modern Cultural Diplomacy" was organized by the Diplomatic Academy in cooperation with the Vienna Academy of Diplomacy. Lectures and simulation exercises for diplomats and civil servants were held by Mr. Gottfried Wagner, Special Advisor to the Minister of Culture of Austria and author of "The Art of Difference – From Europe as a Cultural Project to EU Policies for Culture". 21 November 2011 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS FROM BRUSSELS GUESTS OF THE MINISTRY In the framework of a study visit, the Diplomatic Academy "Koca Popovic" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized a lecture for American University students from Brussels. After the introductory remarks by Ambassador Bozin Nikolic on the activities of the Diplomatic Academy, Mr. Dusko Lopandic, Assistant Minister for the European Union spoke of foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Serbia, European integration, relations with the EU and NATO and the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija. 24 November 2011 YOUTH NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION "GENERATION 21" VISITS THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS In the framework of the tenth generation of the informal education program "Applied Diplomacy", the graduating students of the Faculty of Political Science and Faculty of Law and members of the youth non-governmental organization "Generation 21" visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Diplomatic Academy organized a lecture held by Ambassador Sladjana Prica, Deputy Assistant Minister for Multilateral Affairs. She spoke of foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Serbia, responsibilities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of the functions performs by the diplomatic missions and specifics of the diplomatic profession. 20 December 2011 INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR "EXCELLENCE IN DIPLOMACY - YOUNG LEADERSHIP DIPLOMATIC SEMINAR", Belgrade In line with its positive experience, the Diplomatic Academy organized an international seminar "Excellence in Diplomacy -Young Leadership Seminar", held in Belgrade on 20 December 2011. The participants, fifteen young diplomats from the diplomatic missions of European countries and the US were welcomed by Ambassador Bozin Nikolic, Director of the Diplomatic Academy and Ambassador Dr Dusko Lopandic, Assistant Minister and Head of the Sector for the European Union. Ms. Zorka Kekovic, Attache in the North and South Americas Department addressed the guests in her capacity as representative of the most successful attendants of the preceding generation of the Diplomatic Academy. This international gathering, as in previous years, was devoted to new trends in modern diplomacy and encouragement of excellence in diplomacy. Facilitators and lecturers at the seminar were eminent diplomats from the country and abroad: Ambassador Dr. Dusko Lopandic, Assistant Minister and Head of the Sector for the European Union, H.E. Mr. François-Xavier Nicolas Marie Deniau, Ambassador of the Republic of France to Serbia, Prof. Dr. Ivan Vujacic, former Serbian Ambassador to the United States and Dr. Mladen Andrlic, Director of the Croatian Diplomatic Academy. |