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News archive 2010. |
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- 2010 -
15th -17thDecember 2010 EXCELLENCE IN DIPLOMACY-YOUNG LEADERSHIP DIPLOMATIC SEMINAR In cooperation with the European Union Sector, Koca Popovic Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia hosted Excellence in Diplomacy-Young Leadership Seminar, held in Belgrade from 15th to 17th December 2010.
22 November 2010. AMBASSADOR KAI EIDE’S LECTURE “CONFLICT IN AFGHANISTAN AND ITS EFFECTS ON INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. WHAT CAN WE LEARN?” The Sector for Security Policy, the Diplomatic Academy “Koca Popovic” and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade co-organized a lecture by Ambassador Kai Eide entitled “Conflict in Afghanistan and its effects on international institutions. What can we learn?” The lecture was held under the trilateral Protocol of Educational Cooperation and the Educational Cooperation Programme between the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Defence Ministry of the Kingdom of Norway and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). After the welcoming statement by Mr Bozin Nikolic, Director of the Diplomatic Academy and the introductory remarks by Mr Zoran Vujic, Assistant Minister in charge of security policy, Ambassador Eide spoke about the role played by international institutions in the settlement of the conflict in Afghanistan over the ten-year period, with particular emphasis on the strategy of the international community and the priorities in the development of that country, highlighting the lessons to be drawn from the 1990-2000 period. Ambassador Eide’s lecture was the first such lecture under the two-year educational cooperation programme which will include a number of lectures on the reform of the security sector within the MFA remit as well as other forms of specialized professional training aimed at institutional capacity building of the MFA and at inter-agency/departmental cooperation.
8 April 2010 DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY “KOČA POPOVIĆ“, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA, AND DIPLOMATIC TRAINING CENTRE, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY, SIGNED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AND COOPERATION Director of Diplomatic Academy “Koca Popovic”, H.E. Ambassador Bozin Nikolic, and Director of the Diplomatic Training Centre, H.E. Ambassador Sina Baydur, signed Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between Diplomatic Academy “Koca Popovic” of the Serbian Foreign Ministry and the Diplomatic Training Centre of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, on 8 April 2010. The Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation enables direct relations between the Diplomatic Academy and the Centre, promotion and development of cooperation in the area of education and specialization of diplomatic personnel of the two friendly countries, sharing information on applied curricula, participation and exchange of lecturers and diplomats, organizing seminars as well as strengthening the relations between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey.
8 April 2010 YOUNG DIPLOMATS FROM THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY VISIT THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA In the Serbian Foreign Ministry, a study visit of young diplomats from Turkey was organized in the framework of the cooperation between Diplomatic Academy “Koca Popovic” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Diplomatic Training Centre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey. Diplomatic Academy “Koca Popovic” organized, on that occasion, a lecture on “Serbia’s Foreign Policy priorities” held by Mr. Borislav Stefanovic, Chief of Foreign Minister’s Office and Political Director, for young diplomats from the Republic of Turkey. The positions regarding foreign policy expressed in the lecture were particularly interesting for young diplomats, on whose behalf, H.E. Mr. Ahmet Sühu Umar, Ambassador of Turkey in Belgrade, and H.E. Ambassador Sina Baydur, Director of the Diplomatic Training Centre, expressed their special gratitude, on this occasion. After the lecture, young diplomats from the R. of Turkey met briefly with the attendants of Diplomatic Academy “Koca Popovic”.
Belgrade, 16 – 17 February 2010 FIRST SEMINAR “THE BASICS OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION (MESA)” FOR REPRESENTATIVES OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT The first seminar “The Basics of International Cooperation (MESA)” for representatives of the local government was organized at the “Koca Popovic” Dipomatic Academy of the Serbian Foreign Ministry in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration and local government. The Seminar was officially opened by the State Secretaries H.E. Mirko Stefanovic and H.E. Dusko Radakovic in the presence of MFA Secretary General Mrs. Mirjana Zivkovic and Mr. Djordje Stanicic, Secretary General of the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities. During the Seminar, the representatives of the local government from nine municipalities: Sabac, Pancevo, Osecina, Kikinda, Paracin, Despotovac, Trstenik, Sid and Irig, as well as the representatives of the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities had the opportunity to get to know the objectives of the Serbian foreign policy, the forthcoming activities within the promotion of good neighbourly relations in the regional and multilateral cooperation of the Republic of Serbia, in the process of European integration and relations with NATO, as well as the responsibilities of the MFA and its diplomatic-consular missions, and those of the Ministry of Public Administration and local government and other state institutions in the area of international cooperation. Specific rules and procedures of the Diplomatic Protocol, Ceremonial Section were demonstrated in practice to the participants. The Seminar cycle “The Basics of International Cooperation” is designed as a special form of support in the process of the local government capacity building, which should contribute to better cooperation, coordination and exchange of information between the state authorities and local government authorities in the framework of the preparation and realization of international visits and meetings.
Belgrade, 15th February 2010 FOREIGN MINISTERS VUK JEREMIC AND AHMED ABOUL GHEIT SIGNE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING RELATING TO COOPERATION BETWEEN DIPLOMATIC ACADEMIES IN BELGRADE The Memorandum of Understanding relating to cooperation between “Koca Popovic” Dipomatic Academy of the Serbian Foreign Ministry and the Institute for Diplomatic Studies of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry was signed in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, during the official visit by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, to the Republic of Serbia, on 15 February 2010. The Memorandum of Understanding relating to cooperation will enable direct relations between the Diplomatic Academy and the Institute, promotion and development of cooperation in education and training of diplomatic personnel of the two friendly countries, coordination of diplomatic academies activities and teaching methods, as well as the strengthening of relations between the Serbian and Egyptian Foreign Ministries. |