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News Archive 2008 |
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- 2008 -
Belgrade, December 24th, 2008 STUDENTS OF THE SECURITY FACULTY OF BELGRADE UNIVERSITY VISIT THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS As a follow-up to the practice commenced last year, a group of 40 students of the Security Faculty of Belgrade University visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On that occasion, the Diplomatic Academy organized a lecture on the role of this Ministry, particularly with reference to the activities of the Directorate General for NATO and Defence Affairs. After the opening statement by Ambassador Bozin Nikolic, Director of the Diplomatic Academy, which focused on the overall activities of the Foreign Ministry and its Diplomatic Academy, the students were lectured by Mr. Savo Djurica, Director of the NATO Directorate. Since the visit is in the function of lectures in international relations at the Security Faculty, the students took the opportunity to pose a number of questions regarding Serbia’s foreign policy, and particularly the Partnership for Peace programme and the relations with NATO. Belgrade, December 17th, 2008 MEMBERS OF "GENERATION 21" VISIT THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY This is the seventh year that the youth NGO “Generation 21”, sponsored by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and supported by the European Movement Serbia, has been implementing the programme “Applied Diplomacy”, which includes an annual visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a lecture at the Diplomatic Academy. The purpose of the project is to familiarize the students of senior years of the Faculty of Political Science (international relations department) and the Faculty of Law (international relations group) with the institutions and bodies dealing with international relations and to acquaint them with the positions of local and foreign experts, and prominent diplomats. Belgrade, December 8th, 2008 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ADOPTION OF THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS Republic of Serbia is a stakeholder in the campaign “Dignity and Justice for All of Us”, initiated by the United Nations, aimed at raising the awareness of the respect for human rights throughout the world. In view of this, Prof. Dr. Dimitrijevic, Director of the Belgrade Center for Human Rights and the prominent expert in this area, spoke about the situation and pointed to possible ways to promote human rights in the Republic of Serbia. Apart from the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, his lecture, marking this important international event in a special way, was also attended by representatives of relevant governmental departments and other institutions. 29 October 2008 “THE ROLE OF PROVINCIAL RECONSTRUCTION TEAMS IN PEACE-KEEPING MISSIONS”, A LECTURE BY DR. AMADEO WATKINS After the welcome remarks made by Mr. Bozin Nikolic, Director of the Academy, Dr. Watkins laid out the present-day knowledge in theory and practice about peace-keeping operations with special emphasis on the role played by the provincial reconstruction teams. Dr. Watkins introduced the audience to the philosophy, methodology and structure of PRTs, the views of the USA, United Kingdom, Canada and Germany on this issue as well as the experience of some South-East European countries regarding peace-keeping and PRTs. After the lecture, Dr. Watkins answered questions posed by great many representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions of the Republic of Serbia. 23 October 2008 “PARTNERSHIP FOR PEACE AND SERBIA’S PERSPECTIVE”, A LECTURE BY AMBASSADOR STEFANO STEFANINI After the welcome remarks made by Mr. Bozin Nikolic, Director of the Academy and the keynote address by Mr. Zoran Vujic, Director General of the Directorate for NATO and Defence Affairs, Ambassador Stefanini laid out the basis of cooperation within the Partnership for Peace, with a view to enhancing security and promoting peace and stability in the region. Ambassador Stefanini emphasized, among other things, that Serbia should be guided by its own national interests as regards its membership in NATO. After the lecture, Ambassador Stefanini answered questions posed by great many representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions of the Republic of Serbia. 24 July 2008 A TRIBUTE TO AMBASSADOR DR. MIODRAG MITIC In memory of H.E. Dr. Miodrag Mitic (1933-2005), Ambassador, eminent diplomat and one of our best authors on the theory and practice of diplomatic law, a Tribute was held on the premises of the Diplomatic Academy (DA) on 24 July 2008. In the presence of a large number of participants, the Tribute was opened by Ambassador Bozin Nikolic, DA Director, who spoke on behalf of the Academy. The other speakers at the Tribute included Prof. Dr. Predrag Simic, Serbian Ambassador to France, Ambassador Sanja Milinkovic, Head of the International Legal Office, and Dr. Djordje Lopicic, Ambassador (retired). The late Dr. Mitic, as said at the Tribute to him, was one of the architects of the current concept and a coordinator for many years of the course on Diplomatic Law. Guests of the Academy, outstanding personalities from the scientific and diplomatic communities, as well as the friends and those who admired Dr. Mitic, including Ambassador Branko Radosevic, Assistant Foreign Minister an Director General for Consular Affairs and Diaspora, evoked the memories of this prominent expert, wonderful educator and, above all, a diplomat whose virtues may serve as an example of professionalism and humanity. 3 July 2008 CEREMONY OF AWARDING DIPLOMAS TO STUDENT CLASS 2006/2007 At a ceremony which took place on July 3, 2008, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister Jeremic awarded diplomas to students of the Diplomatic Academy (DA), class 2006/07, proving that they had passed the diplomatic and consular exam. Many officials, including prominent diplomats at the MFA and the diplomatic representatives of countries with which the DA has established cooperation in diplomatic training, as well as course coordinators and lecturers engaged in the academic year 2006/07, were welcomed by the host of the event, the DA Director, Ambassador Bozin Nikolic. After that, Minister Vuk Jeremic spoke about the current issues and foreign policy priorities for the Republic of Serbia, pointing to the great responsibility of the Foreign Service and to an exceptional importance of quality diplomatic training. Furthermore, students of the last generation were praised for their efforts and the results achieved during the training, especially in the light of the fact that the DA was not only attended by MFA interns but also by employees of other government departments and agencies of the Republic of Serbia. An expectation was expressed that the knowledge that they had acquired through the diplomatic training would help raise the level of overall activities undertaken in the various fields of international cooperation implemented by the Republic of Serbia. The diploma awarding ceremony, which, as in the previous years, was awaited with much interest on the part of all stakeholders in the process of diplomatic training and education, was widely covered by media representatives. 21 April 2008 DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY OF THE SERBIAN FOREIGN MINISTRY AND THE PROTUGUESE FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE SIGN A PROTOCOL OF COOPERATION Prof. Dr. Armando Gedes, Director of the Portuguese Foreign Service Institute (FSI), and Ambassador Bozin Nikolic, Director of the Serbian Foreign Ministry’s Diplomatic Academy (DA), signed a Protocol of Cooperation between their respective institutions on 21 April 2008. This Protocol constitutes a good basis for their future cooperation with a view to promoting new diplomatic training methods in the context of complex international relations. The DA and the FSI will, inter alia, actively exchange relevant publications on training programmes, seminars and other academic activities, including exchanges of lecturers, academics and diplomats. On his working visit Prof. Dr. Gedes was received by MFA Secretary General Mirko Stefanovic, Assistant Foreign Minister Zoran Vujic and Director of the Directorate for Europe Goran Vujicic. The DA organized a lecture on the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union in which Prof. Dr. Gedes discussed Portugal’s foreign policy, trans-Atlantic cooperation, cooperation with former Portuguese colonial territories, experience gained during its six-month EU Presidency, bilateral cooperation between Portugal, and Serbia and Serbia’s international position and its EU integration process. 15-17 April 2008 INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR "EU MODERN DIPLOMACY – YOUNG LEADERS IN DIPLOMACY" The Diplomatic Academy, in cooperation with the Directorate General for the European Union of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, and with the financial support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation, will hold a Seminar: “EU Modern Diplomacy – Young Leaders in Diplomacy” in Belgrade, from 15-17 April 2008. The participants of this first Seminar are the best students of the diplomatic academies or diplomatic institutes of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs from Southeast European countries or their outstanding young diplomatic representatives. The Seminar was also attended by ten young diplomats from a group of the most prominent students at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia in the last few years. On behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vuk Jeremić, the Seminar was welcomed by Assistant Minister Zoran Vujić. On behalf of the most successful students of the Diplomatic Academy over the last few years, the participants were welcomed by Ms. Danijela Čubrilo, Third Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The work of this sort of international gathering of young diplomats devoted to modern aspects of the development of, and new trends in, diplomacy, as well as the modalities of developing the professional characteristics of a “diplomat of the new era” was chaired by Ambassador Božin Nikolić, Director of the Diplomatic Academy. Remarks about the current political international affairs were made by distinguished diplomats from the host and foreign countries, including Mr. Živorad Kovačević, President of the Council on Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and President of the Governing Board of the Diplomatic Academy, as well as the Directors of some European diplomatic academies, including Dr. Jovan Kurbalija, Managing Director of the DIPLO Foundation. In addition to actively participating in the Seminar, young diplomats were interested in setting up a Club of Diplomatic Excellence, as well as in continuing the practice of holding similar seminars in the future. Ljiljana Milojević-Borovčanin, director of the Directorate for the EU institutions gave a comprehensive lecture on the diplomatic excellence. The organizers were looking forward to the Seminar to make a contribution to the efforts aimed at modernization of diplomatic training, as well as the development of mutual acquaintances and understanding of future relations and cooperation among the countries of the SEE region. In honour of the distinguished foreign guests and the diplomatic representatives of the participating countries, formal receptions were held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Belgrade Town Hall. Their hosts, Assistant Minister Dr. Milica Delević and Mr. Zoran Alimpić, Acting Mayor of Belgrade, wished the future leaders in diplomacy successful careers and a warm welcome to Belgrade and the Republic of Serbia. 18 Marchl 2008 DANISH YOUTH ATLANTIC TREATY ASSOCIATION (YATA) VISITS THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY OF THE SERBIAN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Students of political science at Copenhagen University belonging to the Danish Youth Atlantic Treaty Association visited on their study tour of Serbia the Diplomatic Academy that organized special lectures for them. Director of the Directorate for EU Institutions Ljiljana Milojevic-Borovcanin spoke about the process of Serbia’s integration with the EU and Director of the Directorate for NATO Savo Djurica about relations with NATO and about regional developments with regard to security policy. Special attention was paid to Kosovo and Metohija which was discussed in the lecture given by Director of the Directorate for the United Nations Marija Antonijevic. In view of the illegal acts of the provisional institutions of self-government in Kosovo and Metohija she reminded the guests of the documents, historical facts, political situation and the status of the southern Serbian province under the Constitution, and pointed out that those unilateral acts are in violation of international law, above all the UN Charter, Helsinki Final Act and UN Security Council Resolution 1244. Guests from Denmark expressed their thanks for the hospitality, information and replies provided by the lecturers to their numerous questions, hoping that this cooperation would be continued in the future. |