The exhibition “Serbia in 1914” was inaugurated at the Argentine Chamber of Deputies, in Buenos Aires, on 19 August 2015, and was co-hosted by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia, the Historical Museum of the Republic of Serbia and the Argentine National Congress. The exhibition of the Historical Museum of Serbia that opened the ceremonies marking WWI centenary, constituted part of an exhibition awarded by ICOM as the best exhibition in Serbia in 2014. MP Guillermo Carmona, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies, and Ms. Tatjana Conic, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Buenos Aires, addressed the guests and the audience at the opening. Moreover, the String Orchestra of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies gave a performance, playing the composition titled “Dances from Serbia”, prepared for this occasion by the staff of the Belgrade University School of Music, Department for Ethnomusicology. The Buenos Aires exhibition will run until 4 September 2015.