Italy was of the view that reaching of the agreement in Brussels and all that Serbia was doing to have it implemented was good enough reason for the European Council to make a positive decision and name a specific date for the opening of accession negotiations with Serbia, said Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino following her talks with Serbian Foreign Minister Ivan Mrkic. She said that there were no new conditions for Serbia over a date for the start of negotiations, adding that it was, nevertheless, possible that Serbia would be given the green light instead of a specific date. That was not the position held by Italy, and we would insist that Serbia be indicated a clear date, said Bonino. The European Council meeting of 28 June was an important historical date not only for Serbia but also for the Union itself, observed Bonino. Italy's FM Emma Bonino believes that no new conditions, legal or political, would be attached to Serbia to be named a date.
"What we are seeking is that there are no new conditions ", Bonino commented. She indicated that Serbia and Italy had very good bilateral relations, as evidenced by nearly 500 Italian companies operating in Serbia and by an increase in trade between the two countries. Mrkic expressed his satisfaction that Minister Bonino chose to come to Belgrade as her first official bilateral visit. The Serbian Foreign Minister pointed out that Italy had proven to be a true friend of Serbia. We were thankful to Italy for its friendly support regarding a positive European Council decision on 28 June, remarked Mrkic. He also made an announcement that the two Governments would hold their joint meeting this autumn. Asked if the Serbs of northern Kosovo were still opposed to the agreement with Pristina, Mrkic replied that big decisions were never easy and that there were always problems involved. "We're convinced that the Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija will understand what we are dealing with and accept what the Serbian Government signed with the Pristina authorities in April", said Mrkic.