Assistant Foreign Minister Ljubica Vasic – International Conference "EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans – 10 Years After Thessaloniki"
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VASIC2The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ireland Lucinda Creighton said, in her talks with Assistant Foreign Minister Ljubica Vasic in Dublin, that Ireland supported Serbia and all the steps taken by the Government of Serbia towards the EU and particularly its political courage in resolving the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. Creighton said that Ireland would make an effort, in its talks with Germany, to provide support to Serbia. The Irish Foreign Minister said that Serbia had to demonstrate its clear will to implement the Brussels agreement by June. She also stressed that no one expected the full implementation of the agreement, because it really was not possible. 
Slovakia also supported Serbia and the recognition of Kosovo was not on its agenda as it was supported neither by the Government nor by the Parliament or any non-governmental organization, said the Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak, in his talks with Assistant Foreign Minister for European integration. He assessed that Serbia had done everything it should. He also denied that the adoption of the implementation plan for the Brussels agreement was a signal for 5 European countries which have not yet recognized Kosovo's independence, to do so. Ljubica Vasic is on an official visit to Dublin, where she is taking part in the International two-day Conference "EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans – 10 Years After Thessaloniki".

The conference, organized by Ireland as a country currently holding the EU Presidency, brought together high level representatives of EU member states and candidate countries. The participants will discuss the EU enlargement policy and the progress of the candidate countries and potential candidate countries in the European integration process.