Minister Dacic talks to the new Ambassador of Pakistan in Serbia
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Meeting of Minister Dacic with Ambassador of PakistanFirst Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic received today the first courtesy call from the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in the Republic of Serbia, Syed Adil Gilani.

Both interlocutors stressed the importance of intensifying the political dialogue at all levels and of enhancing the economic cooperation between the two countries, in all areas of mutual interest, especially having in mind that the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Pakistan will be marked next year.

Ambassador Gilani invited Minister Dacic to join him on a walk, on 13 August, on the occasion of the Independence Day of Pakistan, and to attend the related cultural and artistic programme, on the following day.

nistries.They further discussed treaty regulations and noted the need for their expansion. The talks particularly focused on cooperation in the framework of "The World in Serbia" project.

Ambassador Nabhan informed Minister Dacic about the latest developments in the region, and the activities undertaken towards relaxation of the situation in Jerusalem and continuation of the peace process.