Bilateral political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Uruguay were held on 13 October 2016 in Montevideo, at the level of Assistant Ministers. The Serbian delegation was headed by the Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Goran Aleksic, while Ambassador Enrique Loedel, Director-General for Political Affairs, led the consultations on behalf of Uruguay. The meeting was opened by the Deputy Foreign Minister of Uruguay, Ambassador José Luis Cancela.
During the consultations, all issues of importance for further enhancement of cooperation were considered, and views were exchanged on topical regional and global issues. The Serbian side thanked Uruguay for its position concerning non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and Metohija, in which context the delegation of Uruguay stressed that Uruguay would adhere to the same position in the future as well, in line with the years-long policy of conduct in foreign affairs, implying strict observance of the fundamental principles of international law.