Ministar Dacic meets with high Turkish officials in Ankara
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Minister Dacic meets with Acting President of the ParliamentFirst Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic met with Turkey's high officials today in Ankara.

In separate meetings with Prime Minister of Turkey Binali Yıldırım and Deputy Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Akif Hamzaçebi, the bilateral relations between the two countries were estimated as excellent.

Mutual willingness was expressed for their further promotion in all areas, namely political, parliamentary and economic cooperation.

The officials agreed that it was necessary to hold a session of the two Governments, and meetings of the Trilateral Trade Committee between Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Turkey as well as of the Business Forum.

The Turkish side underlined in particular that it would not take any actions contrary to the interests of Serbia which it considered the key country in the region of particular significance for its stability, as well as an important partner of Turkey.

The Turkish officials emphasised that their country would act in accordance with the March agreement between the EU and Turkey by fulfilling relevant commitments, even though 3 million refugees were a great burden for the country.

In the talks with Prime Minister Yıldırım special attention was devoted to the promotion of economic cooperation.