Statement by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic
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D"Desecration of the Temple of Christ the Saviour in Pristina in the presence of the Kosovo police over the Christmas period is another sorry proof that Serbia was right when it opposed the admission of Kosovo to UNESCO.

Not only are the Albanians in Kosovo unable to protect the Serbian cultural and religious heritage, but they are destroying it systematically, without any sanctions being imposed on the perpetrators of these acts. Apart from contravening the UNESCO principles, they deserve condemnation of all international actors.

Kosovo is the only place in modern-day Europe where it is possible to vandalize, desecrate and torch Christian churches without a single voice of disapproval and to go unpunished. On the contrary, the majority of European states rewarded them by voting in favour of their admission to UNESCO. The silence of the international community in the case of Kosovo obviously means their acquiescence".