Minister Dacic reacts to the statement by the Spokesperson of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
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D“Yesterday’s statement by Maja Kocijancic, Spokesperson of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, reflected once again the existence of double standards.

It was only a month ago when Tove Ernst of the European Commission Media Service replied to the question related to the banning of the use of Cyrillic script in Vukovar by stating that the EU has no responsibility regarding minorities and that such responsibility is borne by the member States adopting decisions on minorities. Yesterday, however, Kocijancic said that Serbia was obliged to treat its Albanian national minority in accordance with the European standards and conventions. How is it possible that two criteria are applied, one for Serbia and the other for Croatia?

Аren't national minority rights a universal category, or do they apply solely to Serbia? Only in such a way it would be possible to justify the setting up of the so-called Community of Albanian Municipalities, an illegal and illegitimate body as in two out of three municipalities Albanian deputies do not have a majority, whereas the EU remains silent about the banning of Cyrillic script and the revival of fascism and Ustashism in Croatia. Only after Maja Kocijancic has said a few words about the problems of Serbs in Croatia will she have the moral right to teach Serbia lessons.”