Meeting between Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of R. Serbia Marko Blagojevic and Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic Pavol Sikorcin
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GS-BlagojevicSecretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Marko Blagojevic met today with Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic Pavol Sikorcin.

The talks dealt with bilateral consultations to be held between the General Secretariats of the two Ministries to the effect of exchanging positive experiences and examples of good practice.

Experiences were shared with regard to strengthening economic diplomacy, which Marko Blagojevic particularly underlined as one of Serbia's priorities.

The two sides expressed their satisfaction over the traditionally friendly relations between the two countries and discussed ways and means of their further promotion.

The meeting was attended also by Chief of Office of the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Serbia Vladimir Maric and Deputy Secretary General Suzana Boskovic-Prodanovic, as well as Ambassador of the Slovak Republic in Belgrade Jan Varso.