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OSCE Chairmanship great opportunity for Serbia – Dacic says at the Conference in Vienna |
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"Mr. Chairperson, Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, At the outset, I would like to thank President Burkhalter for the invitation to open together the OSCE Annual Review Conference on Security, which is certainly the most important event within the political-military dimension. I am pleased to note that Switzerland and Serbia have so far cooperated well within the framework of our consecutive chairmanships in 2014 and 2015, as well as in the implementation of the activities envisaged by the Common Working Plan. I would like to take this opportunity to point out that the Chairmanship of the OSCE is a great opportunity for Serbia and probably the most demanding multilateral task that we have undertaken so far. To that end, we have embarked upon very serious and extensive preparations and we are ready to fully contribute to the Organization in an active and impartial manner. I do not doubt that the upcoming Serbian Chairmanship will enhance our cooperation and that this year's valuable experience of Switzerland will significantly contribute to our efforts to implement, as successfully as possible, the priorities of our chairmanship the next year when we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act. In this light, I expect that this Conference will help us better perceive the task of solving the most pressing security issues in the OSCE region, as well as the future role of the OSCE in the international security architecture. The Annual Security Review Conference is being held in conditions of one of the biggest challenges in the OSCE region since its inception. It can be said that, in these very specific circumstances, the theme of the Conference requires the constructive engagement and intensified efforts of the participating States, both on political and operational levels. Discussions on revitalizing the role of the OSCE through the Helsinki +40 process which started last year should include reference to current events and the relevant experiences of the Organization. The current security situation in and around the OSCE region indicates the necessity of an objective consideration of all security aspects and potential implications, and the need to strengthen the capacities of the OSCE, which would effectively and in a short period of time be able to provide adequate support in all conflict cycle phases, ranging from early warning to post-conflict rehabilitation and reconciliation. The contribution to resolving the crises, and the establishment of security and stability in the OSCE region would thus be more concrete and tangible. I would also like to take this opportunity to underline that we should all work together to strengthen the dialogue, because the OSCE has been founded and continues to exist as the broadest platform for dialogue on all security issues from Vancouver to Vladivostok, including our dialogue with the Mediterranean and Asian partners. Dialogue, however essential, is just a necessary prerequisite for achieving and implementing adequate solutions based on consensus. I believe that our experience with the dialogue under the EU auspices, which we are now conducting with Pristina, and particularly the efforts invested towards facilitating the daily lives of the local population and ensure their basic human, economic and other rights, may be useful for future efforts in solving many problems. In the context of resolving the current crisis in Ukraine, I would like to emphasize that Serbia support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all UN Member States. The decision on the establishment and deployment of the Special Observer Mission of the OSCE in Ukraine is an example of a positive outcome of comprehensive dialogue among the participating States. This shows that the Organization is capable of response in a relatively short period of time, in an appropriate and flexible way. The Republic of Serbia appreciates its engagement in Ukraine so far and expects that it will contribute to the normalization of the situation on the ground. Serbia strongly supports the coordinated activities of the OSCE aimed at de-escalation of the crisis, establishment of an inclusive dialogue and support to the internal processes with the aim of stabilizing the situation in Ukraine. In this context, we believe that it is of the utmost importance to bring about cessation of hostilities and we welcome the plan mooted by President Poroshenko, based on peaceful settlement of the crisis. We are of the view that the Poroshenko plan affords an opportunity to promote internal dialogue and build institutions, while respecting the interests of all citizens. I would like to use this opportunity to support, once again, the activities of the Swiss Chairmanship in the efforts aimed at de-escalation of the crisis. President Burkhalter and our Swiss colleagues have taken and are taking a number of activities at the highest political level, with a view to resolving the crisis by peaceful, political and diplomatic means. We stand ready to take responsibility under our Chairmanship and continue to be actively involved in the full stabilization of the situation in Ukraine. We believe that the OSCE activity regarding the crisis in Ukraine is also the opportunity for our Organization, not only to enhance its visibility, but also its new potential role in the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian security area. Mr. Chairperson, Political tensions and conflicts, both within the OSCE region and beyond, continue to have an adverse effect. Although the crisis in Ukraine has largely taken precedence in discussions within the OSCE, the Serbian Chairmanship will continue to actively support the existing negotiation formats for the resolution of frozen conflicts by tirelessly exploring avenues for reaching compromise solutions acceptable to all participants in the negotiations. In this context, we consider important the role played by Special Representatives of the Chairperson, where Serbia has made its contribution within the framework of the Swiss Chairmanship. Strengthening the OSCE capacities to actively contribute to all conflict cycle phases and to achieve concrete results in terms of stabilizing the situation on the ground remains a priority. Drawing upon the experience of the Western Balkan region, I can say that concrete and sustainable solutions can be reached only by constructive political action and through dialogue. On this occasion I would like to mention that we support the renewed and more systematic OSCE efforts in strengthening mediation. In this regard, I would like to re-emphasize the importance of political will and the strengthening of OSCE capacity and toolbox. Mr. Chairperson, The implementation of the commitments assumed within the framework of the military-political dimension is an important factor of stability, transparency and trust between the OSCE participating States. The issue of arms control and confidence- and security-building measures (SCBMs) remains vital to improving security in our region and it is in the interest of all participating States to continue with their application. We are convinced that the OSCE, particularly through the activities implemented in the framework of the Forum for Security Co-operation, has the capacity to contribute to arms control and confidence-building in the European security architecture. During its Chairmanship, the Republic of Serbia will coordinate work with Mongolia, Montenegro and Norway, which will chair the Forum for Security Cooperation during 2015. We believe that the different regional affiliation of the three Chairmen-in-Office will provide additional quality and contribute to a more diverse perception of issues on the agenda of the Forum. In light of the significant technological advances and evolving challenges, risks and threats at the beginning of the 21st century, we are aware of the need for revitalization, updating and modernizing the relevant OSCE documents, their implementation, including adherence to the principles and commitments stemming from them. In this regard, as defined by the priorities in the Common Working Plan of Switzerland and the Republic of Serbia, we are committed to continuing a comprehensive dialogue within the OSCE in order to maintain military stability, predictability and transparency, by updating and modernizing the Vienna Document, promoting and implementing the Code of Conduct on Political-Military Aspects of Security, as well as OSCE documents on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition. The above documents, which are the basis for building confidence and security in the OSCE region, should be modernized in accordance with present military and security conditions in the OSCE region. Mr. Chairperson, Today, we are faced with new challenges, risks and threats that are transnational in character. These threats, such as terrorism, organized crime and trafficking in human beings and drugs know no borders and require coordinated cooperation among the participating States in the OSCE region. I wish to single out the role played by the OSCE in the past period, recognizing the importance of action against transnational threats by taking important steps reflected in the adoption of relevant decisions, sharing of experiences and good practices and in establishing cooperation between the competent authorities of the participating States and academic institutions. I would like to take this opportunity to commend the contribution of the network of academic institutions of the OSCE, which dealt with this topic in the framework of a study on "Perceptions of threats in the OSCE region" and to express satisfaction that a think-tank from Serbia took part in the elaboration of the study. The initial task of the network of academic institutions was a step in the right direction in terms of integration of the so-called Track II diplomacy into the work of our Organization. Given the evolving nature and the need for constant monitoring and adjustment of response to these threats, during the Serbian Chairmanship of the OSCE, we intend to devote a significant number of activities to this area of activity. In fact, we intend to shed a cross-dimensional light on transnational challenges and threats. Negative phenomena like corruption and illegal migration cannot be treated in isolation. Such challenges can only be countered through democratic institution building, and perception of the role of organized crime in the spreading of such negative trends. Police has an important role to play in such action, but only in tandem with the judicial authorities. OSCE is best positioned to serve as a platform for the promotion of the above-mentioned cooperation between law enforcement and the judiciary authorities. Prevention is one of the most important stages in action against transnational threats, whereas the role of youth and women in this process should be examined more thoroughly and made use of. We have wholeheartedly accepted the initiative of our Swiss colleagues to work out, on the basis of UN actions, a security sector management and reform concept also within the OSCE, especially with regard to civil oversight of security forces. In the context of transnational threats, there is an express need for a coordinated and complementary approach in the cooperation with other relevant international organizations. The OSCE should try and find scope for action and continue its capacity building in responding to emerging challenges and threats. A good example of this is the OSCE pioneer effort aimed at cyber security confidence-building measures. Mr. Chairperson, Before I conclude my today's statement, I would like to emphasize once again that present-day complex challenges require common responses. No one can successfully overcome the aforementioned challenges by himself. The OSCE, with its flexibility and the mechanisms available to it, gives the possibility of finding appropriate solutions, taking into account the interests of all participating States. The Republic of Serbia is ready, in community with others, to work hard to improve the capabilities of the OSCE to answer 21st-century collective security questions. In closing, I would like to stress that I fully share the position of President Burkhalter that our common action should be on three tracks: support for Ukraine in reaching a peaceful solution, re-consolidation of European security as our joint project and the strengthening of the OSCE as one of the principal pillars of cooperative security. Accordingly, the Helsinki+40 Process provides a framework for the strengthening of OSCE as such, which should not be neglected. We believe that this process should be resumed precisely because of the challenges we have been faced with over the past months. We are convinced that the Helsinki+40 Roadmap is still current, especially the main goals set out in its preamble. Therefore, this opportunity should be seized to enhance our dialogue and mutual confidence in a constructive way in order to reach generally-acceptable solutions. I wish you all success in the work at this Conference. As the future Chair, we will endeavour to incorporate its results, to the extent that they represent consensual recommendations, in the work programme and the priorities of the Serbian Chairmanship in 2015 that I will soon present at the Permanent Council in mid-July this year. Thank you, Mr. Chairperson." |