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20 December 2013
LECTURE "INDONESIAN FOREIGN POLICY UNDER PRESIDENT YUDHOYONO" ![]() ![]() Following the brief introduction by Aleksandra Kovac, Head of the Diplomatic Academy, Dr. Yayan Mulyana spoke about current political and economic developments in Indonesia and its geopolitical position. He presented Indonesia's foreign policy priorities in bilateral and multilateral cooperation during President Yudohoyono, from 2004 to the present. He particularly underlined the importance of the role played by head of state in creating and coordinating foreign policy and the foreign policy objectives; cooperation with countries in the region, indicating special activities of his President in the framework of ASEAN, G-20, APEC, UN and other multilateral organizations. In the final part of the programme, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in Belgrade S. Samson highlighted some of the priorities and joint activities in the framework of bilateral cooperation between Serbia and Indonesia. 20 December 2013 NON-GOVERNMENTAL YOUTH ORGANIZATION "GENERATION 21" VISITED THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Senior students of the Faculty of Political Sciences and the Faculty of Law, members of non-governmental youth organization "Generation 21" visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within the framework of its informal education programme "Applied Diplomacy". The students of "Generation 21" were received by State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Snezana Jankovic, who informed them of the foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Serbia, the competences and activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the specifics of the diplomatic profession. In the conversation with Head of the Diplomatic Academy Aleksandra Kovac, the students had an opportunity to hear more about internship possibilities in the Foreign Ministry and other issues within the area of responsibility of the Diplomatic Academy. In addition to meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the students visited the Ministry's permanent museum exhibition "Two Centuries of Modern Serbian Diplomacy" and attended the lecture by the special guest from the Office of the President of Indonesia, Dr. Yayan Mulyana, entitled "Indonesian Foreign Policy under President Yudhoyono". 9 December 2013 LECTURE BY MINISTER ALEKSANDAR VULIN On 9 December 2013, Serbian Government Minister without portfolio in charge of Kosovo and Metohija Aleksandar Vulin, held a lecture to the students of the Diplomatic Academy on Serbia and the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, within their academic course subject "International Relations and Foreign Policy". Speaking about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, he stressed, among other things, that Serbia was resolved to safeguard the national and state interests in its province. Minister Vulin highlighted that functioning of the institutions of the Republic of Serbia in the territory of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija was particularly important. He pointed out the significance of cooperation with the international missions in Kosovo and Metohija on the basis of UN Security Council Resolution 1244, in order to create conditions for Serbs and non-Albanian communities to live their normal daily lives in all major areas: education, health, social policy, employment, culture, infrastructure, local self-government system, telecommunications and energy system, etc. Minister Vulin paid special attention to the current events in Kosovo and Metohija, and pointed out that the Brussels agreement was status-neutral and, after a landslide victory of candidates of CI "Srpska" in local elections, the establishment of the Community of Serbian Municipalities was an upcoming big task, which would enable the protection of the Serbian national interests. The lecture was attended by the leadership of the MFA. 3. December 2013. DIPLOMA AWARD CEREMONY FOR THE STUDENTS OF THE DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY ![]() In his welcome address, Minister of Foreign Affairs I. Mrkic recalled the foreign policy framework and objectives relevant to the upcoming diplomatic and other tasks. He also sent a message to young colleagues that education was the initial step in a career and that many professional challenges awaited them along the way. He pointed out the virtues necessary for a diplomat personality development, and assessed that one of the key requirements for working in this service was a developed "sense of collegial unity and solidarity". Minister Mrkic expressed the most cordial congratulations to the graduates and wished them all the best in their careers, and then handed a diploma to the best student Marina Nikodijevic. Among a total of 115 participants from both generations who have completed a training program, in addition to the employees from the Ministry, there are also representatives of other government departments sending their staff for more than ten years already for professional training in order to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to perform the tasks of international cooperation in their own departments. 18 November 2013 LECTURE ON US – EU RELATIONS Prof. Dr. Jerome Sheridan, Director of American University's Brussels Center and Professor of international relations, gave a lecture for students of the Diplomatic Academy on relations between the U.S. and the EU. During his presentation, Professor Sheridan reflected, among other things, in particular upon the bilateral relations between the U.S. and the EU, their respective roles in global relations, security environment and counter-terrorism, including the European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP). After the lecture, Professor Sheridan answered questions posed by participants and thanked the Diplomatic Academy for his successful visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The lecture was also attended by the students of the American University's Brussels Center. 18 November 2013 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY' BRUSSELS CENTER STUDENTS VISITED THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Bilateral Relations Damjan Jovic gave a lecture for students of the American University's Brussels Center on foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Serbia. During his comprehensive presentation, which was also attended by the students of the Diplomatic Academy, Assistant Minister D. Jovic reflected, among other things, in particular upon the beginning of the negotiation process for EU accession of Serbia, negotiation process between Belgrade and Pristina, regional cooperation and relations with neighboring countries, as well as cooperation with other countries. The Assistant Minister underlined in particular the importance of EU accession for the overall development of the country, the challenges on the road to full membership as regards the rule of law (Acquis Communautaire), respect for human rights and the need for the protection and preservation of the Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija. He stressed that it was of exceptional importance for Serbia to preserve the monuments of Serbian spirituality and culture in Kosovo and Metohija, of which most are on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Prof. Dr. Jerome Sheridan, Director of American University's Brussels Center and Professor of international relations, thanked Assistant Minister D. Jovic on the outstanding lecture, as well as on his answers to many questions posed by students of the American University. 1 August 2013 BOSTON NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS VISIT THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Ljubica Vasic held a lecture at the MFA Diplomatic Academy (1 August 2013) on the foreign and European policy of the Republic of Serbia, attended by students of the Northeastern University in Boston (USA) and representatives of the Organization of Serbian Students Abroad. The lecture was focused on the foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Serbia in the context of its EU accession process, regional cooperation and cooperation with other countries world wide. Assistant Foreign Minister Vasic familiarized the students particularly with the details related to Serbia's commencement of the EU accession negotiations, including the issues concerning the implementation of the First Agreement on the principles governing the normalization of the relations between Belgrade and Pristina. She lay particular emphasis on the importance of Serbia's EU accession for its overall development, the membership requirements, progress in reforms and the challenges standing in the way of Serbia's EU membership. AMFA Lj. Vasic answered a number of student questions concerning the foreign policy activities of the Serbian Foreign Ministry. 24-26 APRIL 2013 SIXTH INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR "EXCELLENCE IN DIPLOMACY" The Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, in cooperation with the Sector for the European Union, organized in Belgrade, from 24-26 April 2013, the Sixth International Seminar "Excellence in Diplomacy". This international event, held continuously since 2008, is devoted to promoting excellence and new trends in modern diplomacy. Two topics were discussed at this year's seminar: How to become an excellent diplomat and what kind of diplomacy is needed by the modern world. The participants were the best students of diplomatic academies and diplomatic institutes, that is, outstanding young diplomats from the ministries of foreign affairs in Europe. The participants of the seminar were young diplomats from 14 European countries, including those from the embassies of the United States of America, Canada, France and the Russian Federation in Belgrade. On behalf of Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivan Mrkić, the seminar was officially opened by Assistant Foreign Minister Ljubica Vasić. The participants were welcomed by Ambassador Božin Nikolić, Head of the Diplomatic Academy, and Attaches Ms. Marina Nikodijević and Vuk Vuksanović, as representatives of the best students of this year's DA generation. Diplomacy and the specific nature of the diplomatic profession, particularly excellence in diplomacy, were addressed in the speeches of the distinguished diplomats from Serbia and other countries: H. E. Mr. Patrick Child from the European External Action Service and H. E. Mr. Armando Varricchio, Ambassador of the Italian Republic to Serbia. The moderators of the first expert panel were Mr. Ranko Vujačić, Director of the "Gavro Vuković" Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro and Mr. Vladimir Radunović from the Geneva Diplo Foundation. Mrs. Paula Sue Thiede, Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, Mr. Boris Holovka, Director of the OSCE and CoE Department, Professor Dr. Elisabeth Kardos Kaponyi from the Corvinus University Budapest, Prof. Dr. Elizabeta Ristanović from the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade and Mr. Vladimir Radunović from the Geneva Diplo Foundation spoke at the second expert panel "What kind of diplomacy is needed by the modern world". Moderators of the second panel were Dr. Mladen Andrlić, Director of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia and Dr. Gabor Csige from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary. On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the adoption of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1963), Mr. Vladimir Žutić spoke about the importance of this international instrument. The best young diplomats took an active part in the discussions on the current trends and challenges facing the diplomacy of the 21st century. The idea about the Club of Diplomatic Excellence was presented to the participants and another 20 participating young diplomats became its new members. In honour of Serbian and foreign diplomatic representatives, cocktail receptions were held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Belgrade City Hall, co-hosted by Assistant Foreign Minister Ljubica Vasić, and Mrs. Tatjana Pašić, Deputy Mayor. 24 APRIL 2013 CEREMONY MARKING THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE VIENNA CONVENTION ON CONSULAR RELATIONS "The States Parties to the present Convention, recalling that consular relations have been established between peoples since ancient times, having in mind the Purposes and Principles of the Charter of the United Nations concerning the sovereign equality of States, the maintenance of international peace and security, and the promotion of friendly relations among nations...", as stated in the Preamble, signed the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations on 24 April 1963 in Vienna. The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations is an extremely important international document of particular relevance to the provision of consular services on a daily basis. On the signature date of the Convention, 24 April, the Diplomatic Academy, in cooperation with the Department of Consular Affairs, Chief Legal Adviser and the International Legal Affairs Department, organized a lecture to observe the anniversary. At the ceremony, distinguished guests were addressed by Ambassador Šani Dermaku, Assistant Foreign Minister, Professor Dr Oliver Antić, Chief Legal Adviser, Nataša Kalezić, MA, Head of International Legal Affairs Department, Ambassador (R) Prof. Dr. Djordje Lopičić and Minister Counsellor (R) Radomir Jergić. 20 March 2013 ATTENDANTS OF STAFF OFFICER ADVANCED TRAINING PROGRAMME VISITING MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA MFA Diplomatic Academy, in cooperation with the Belgrade Military Academy Programme for Staff Officer Advanced Training, organized a working visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for attendants of the Programme. After welcoming remarks by Ambassador Bozin Nikolic during a tour of the exhibition "Bi-centenary of Serbian diplomacy", Head of the Department for Neighbouring Countries, Ambassador Milisav Paic gave a lecture on the foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Serbia and on its relations with neighbouring countries. |